At GCC 11, Gaia Galanos called her shot and hit a home run against Mia Stevens. Stevens was on an upward trajectory looking to breakout in GCC. After she won 2 straight, Mia was looking to tackle her biggest challenge yet: The former featherweight champion. Within the first round, Gaia Galanos took Mia Stevens to the ground, hit her with a vicious ground and pound, forcing her to give up her back. When Stevens did, it spelled disaster for her as Galanos wrapped around her like an anaconda to her prey with a sickening Rear Naked Choke that even left Nika Kosov confused (but seriously we hope she’s alright).
With that big win, Galanos and the rest of House of Khan seem to be back on track to move up in the rankings. But, during a press release this morning, the world learned that Gaia Galanos would be parting ways with House of Khan to pursue training opportunities with TundraMMA—another gym which seems imminent on its ascension through the gym rankings in GCC.
Galanos explained that she had spoken with Fazan Khan prior to her fight, but that she would hold off until afterward to announce her departure from her first-ever gym in MMA. When questioned why she waited until after the fight to switch gyms, Galanos explained that she wanted to win one last fight under the House of Khan banner.
“House of Khan took a chance on me about a year ago to hone me into the fighter I am today,” Gaia explained, “I have a lot of respect for Mr. Khan and everyone within House of Khan, but there are other opportunities out there I want to pursue. My fight against Mia Stevens is a testament to the hard work of everyone at House of Khan. I have little doubt that Alexia and Rupika have the Featherweight Division covered in my stead. I wish them luck in my departure.”
With the departure of the former GCC featherweight champion from House of Khan’s ranks, Galanos was asked with which gym she would pursue training. Gaia Galanos replied that she was approached by Aleksandr Baranov about fighting for TundraMMA. Galanos brings a lot to TundraMMA in her extensive wrestling knowledge, and she boasts a featherweight title reign. This is clearly a power move by TundraMMA to move up in the Gym Rankings within GCC.
In the wake of this news, where does House of Khan finds itself without its matron captain? Who will step up in her place to lead House of Khan into the future? Furthermore, will Gaia Galanos be TundraMMA’s key to seizing control of the Featherweight Division?