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Unexpected Crash at TundraMMA Presser as fighters make plans known

Writer's picture: Gaia GalanosGaia Galanos

The livestream opens up with a shot of a medium-sized convention center, with a dark blue TundraMMA backdrop behind the four active members of Tundra; from left to right, Aleksandr Baranov, Daniel Dream, Aaliyah Almonte, and Gaia Galanos. All four are seated at a table with microphones in front of them, and all four are dressed casually.

Aleksandr Baranov: Thank you all for coming.

The faint outline of a journalist standing up and raising their hand can be seen at the bottom of the screen. Baranov points toward them with a nod.

“Mr. Baranov, what is the current status of Ariel Shadows within Tundra, given all of the recent news regarding her legal and medical situation?”

Aleksandr Baranov: Ms. Ariel Shadows was a great fighter in the octagon. And she was also a great business partner in the early days of Tundra. She was a major player in making TundraMMA successful. Unfortunately, due to medical issues surrounding head injuries along with a troubling mental health, she has been indefinitely committed into psychiatric facility. We were not kidding when we say we are like family. We take care of our own.

“Aleks, your last outing in the octagon was a masterclass of your boxing skills against formerly undefeated GCC standout Collin Downes when you stopped him by TKO and, in-turn, rebounding perfectly from your two-fight skid. When do you see yourself returning the octagon once more and are there any names in your head as to who you want to fight next?”

Aleksandr Baranov: I am still looking to get back to the Heavyweight title. I can beat Alejandro Rivera. But, I know I have a longer road I must take. There are still fighters on the top contenders list who we never have fight. I’m ready to fight again whenever Mr. Khan gives me a call. There are a couple of fight which I think make sense for me, but I am happy to just beat the hell out of someone in the cage, eh? Hahaha~! Now, enough about me, I would like to give Mr. Dream the floor. Thank you.”

The camera focuses in on Daniel Dream as the press conference topic graphic on the screen changes to reflect this by displaying his name and “Middleweight” underneath.

"Daniel Dream, do you think that your recent losses in professional wrestling will affect your confidence in your MMA career?"

Daniel Dream: Yeah, I think whenever you lose a fight, your confidence gets shaken. Especially if you lose a lot of fights consecutively. But I think it's what you do after those losses that's important. I've been training harder, getting hungrier and more desperate for a win."

"Daniel Dream, what opponents would you like to fight?"

Daniel Dream: The fighter that I would like to fight the most is Clive Hicks. My confidence was shaken and I want to get that confidence back. I've challenged Clive Hicks publicly and I'm doing it again now. Clive Hicks, I'm challenging you to a fight in GCC. I haven't gotten a response from Clive Hicks because I think he knows if I get my confidence back, I'll be unstoppable in GCC. Thanks for your questions. I’ll now turn everyone over to Aaliyah Almonte.

“Aaliyah, you have been open about your battles with depression in the past, especially your loss back in February. How were you able to cope with it, especially during that hard time?

Aaliyah Almonte: I was able to cope with it by leaving for the time being and getting my head straight on. Yeah, that loss was devastating where you had people laughing at you along with making a mock out of you. I am not going to name names, but they know who they are.”

“Was defeating your last two opponents after that devastating loss in February motivation or a way to say “Don’t count me out?”

Aaliyah Almonte: Both. When I went into the ring the first fight after, I had a purpose. That purpose was to show that nobody was going to break me down. The second fight? A lot of people say that was “personal” because I was going against a former stablemate. In a way, it was because if you leave this place, you’re not only turning your back on an amazing experience, you are turning your back on your family.”

She looks at Baranov and Galanos before turning back to the reporter.

“Here are the final two questions. With your fight pushed back, how are you preparing for this? Also, if you win, what is the next step?”

Aaliyah Almonte: Ever since it was announced, I’ve been training and busting my ass during the down time. Now if I do win this match, I think it’s pretty simple WHO I want in my next fight and that’s Mia Stevens!”

“Thank you for time Aaliyah”

We focus now on the former GCC featherweight champion Gaia Galanos. Two shiners adorn her cheeks below her eyes and butterfly tape holds together a nasty gash on the bridge of her nose, but she seems unfazed by her apparent physical state and prepared to answer questions.

“Gaia, despite a losing effort to Misty DeMeans at GCC 20, you are still considered to be one of the best fighters in the world. Unfortunately, with a 0-2 record against DeMeans, you won’t find yourself in a title fight with her again anytime soon; if ever. In a post over eFedder, you mentioned that there was only one fight you could think of for your next fight. You made it pretty clear who you wanted your next fight to be against based on a few obvious hints in the post. Are you still wanting to fight Krystal Knight?”

Gaia Galanos: I figure if the hints were so obvious I would have heard at least something from Krystal’s camp by now. Yes, I want to fight Krystal Knight. That’s official. Krystal is as tough as they come in the octagon. She has put on many stellar performances. And, I just think the fans want to see Krystal Knight versus Gaia Galanos. We are two of GCC’s originals and it would be a bad ass fight.

“After your loss to Mariah Lopez for the Splat Multiuniversal Title, you’ve found yourself on a skid in combat sports. Does this concern you as someone who has shown interest in returning to professional wrestling?”

Gaia Galanos: As far as I’m concerned, I didn’t lose to Mariah Lopez. Under normal circumstances, if you knock someone out in under a minute and pin them 1-2-3, you win. I did exactly that. Splat was just protecting their champion. Had it not been for those stupid Deathmatch rules, I would be holding the gold right now.

During your Deathmatch against Mariah, Ross Hanson showed up and even tried to get in the ring before security stopped him and took him out of the arena. How did this affect you?”

Gaia Galanos: Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised then, but I feel I kept my cool as well as expected. Again, if it weren’t for those Deathmatch rules, this story would be a lot different...

“At Revo 1’s PPV, Rebirth II, you allegedly attacked Ross Hanson and even got into a fight with him. There are no clear camera angles to prove you were there, but Ross Hanson and many others live and over the Internet community believe you were the perpetrator. Ross even believes it so blindly that he quit his position in Revo 1 to pursue you. Do you have anything to say about these claims?”

At first, Gaia says nothing as she glares at the dumb ass who asked the question through shining eyelids and an equally fucked up nose to boot.

Gaia Galanos: Even if I wanted to I couldn’t deny it; look at my face. Ross had it coming to him. He showed up during my Splat Multiuniversal Title match with one idea in mind. He was going to do exactly what I did to him, but I’m the bad guy because I got him first. Give me a break. I guess Ross should have planned better, huh?

"Ms. Galanos…what have you done to prepare yourself for RIGHT NOW?"

This journalist quickly tosses their camera aside and leaps up onto the stage, throwing his hat and glasses off.

Ross Hanson: Oh yeah, right the fuck now!

Daniel Dream and Aaliyah Alimonte jump up from their seats, standing between Ross Hanson and Gaia Galanos. The fresh stitches over Ross’ left eye are unmistakable.

Ross Hanson: Relax. Relax.

Aaliyah Alimonte: Don’t even think about it, Ross… Ross Hanson: Too late. I HAVE thought about it…

Ross points over at Gaia. Ross Hanson: I just wanted you to know, I can get to you anytime...anywhere. And I WILL get to you, and when I do...nobody is going to be able to save you! You’ve had this ass whipping coming for two years now, Gaia. Two years you’ve been talking shit! IT ENDS NOW! You hear me? “What is all of this even about?” Ross puts his hand down, staring back at the journalist who dared to interrupt him. “Ask her what the problem is.”

While pointing back at her one last time, Ross backs away and jumps back down from the stage. He makes his way back out of the building, as the sea of journalists prevents anybody on the stage from giving chase. Very loud commotion is heard throughout the building as the stream focuses on Gaia, Aaliyah, and Dream standing as a united TundraMMA front. As the camera pans a little further out, we see Aleksandr Baranov with a toothy grin on his face before the livestream comes to an end.



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