The following events in this thread occur on Friday, January 17th, 2020 so no references or statements should be made on social media regarding this event until January 17th, 2020.

The GCC President Fazan Khan is dressed in a calculated but sporting fashion as he walks out wearing a Barcelona Lionel Messi fútbol jersey as if he needed any extra support from the Spaniard crowd. As he approaches the press conference table he passes his nephew Shazir and gives him a joyful pat on the shoulder as he is escorted to his seat. Mr. Khan takes a more serious approach as he respectfully exchanges handshakes with both Clive Hicks and Jack Nation before taking control of the microphone.
The press conference has officially begun.
Mr. Khan, thank you for your time. What are your thoughts on GCC 4 where we saw Gaia Galanos defend her GCC featherweight championship for the first time against Juanita Sanchez successfully and the numbers she brought in for the company?
Mr Khan: Oh my, Gaia... she is something special, truly. The number she has been bringing in is nothing short than spectacular and the numbers show she is the biggest money maker for the GCC no questions asked! I think both Jack and Clive know that those numbers are going to be hard for them to live up to but I am expecting yet another commercial success with both of these two men here. They have fought there way through the Middleweight tournament and both have had excellent performances throughout. This is a must see for EVERY fight fan out there.
Sir, you have brought MMA to SPAIN! Why this market and why now?
Mr. Khan: This MMA market in Spain is very new and a market we felt has been untapped. It was very hard to get a show booked her for us but certainly worth it. We have had an insurgence of latin and spanish fighters within GCC and felt that Spain was a perfect way to showcase them. Granted, our main event isn't exactly going to win them over...
The local crowd laughs as someone from the crowd yells out in Spanish, ¡Jack y Clive son votantes de gringo Donald Trump! ''
For the first time in GCC history, you've billed a fight card using the first names of fighters is this a trend that we can expect to see moving forward?
Mr. Khan: I don't think so my friend. I felt that that this time the occasion called for it. With these two men meeting in the finals to crown the first GCC Middleweight champion, I was educated on their history with eachother. There's definitely a story worth telling here. With that information, I decided to incorporate it in the events marketing. While we don't plan on doing the exact same things, we will always have our finger on the pulse so to speak.
With Jack Nation and Clive Hicks being former training partners and friends, do you think that it may negatively impact the spirit of the fight? As both men are grapplers, is there any concern that we might just be watching a 25 minute grappling session?
Mr. Khan: No, not at all. While not every fight will live up to the fans expectations, I don't think it's a fair assumption to make on that basis alone. These two men know what's at stake and they both have an opportunity to make history in GCC as the first ever middleweight champion. For Jack, he's nearing the end of his career and this might be a discussion of now or never for him and for Clive, he needs to return to HILITE FC to a team who has very high expectations for him on Saturday Night. That said, I think it'll be interesting to see what strategies both men employ against the other to gain the edge.
Any predictions for the fight?
Mr. Khan: I think we're looking at a 5 rounder, action packed fight with plenty of fun grappling exchanges and ground transitions. In the end, I think this fight is a shoe in for FOTN when it's all said and done but I know we have a full card packed of fighters looking to earn that bonus money, so it's really up for grabs for everyone.
Mr Khan smiles politely as he backs away from the microphone and the media begins to direct their line of questioning to the fighters.
Trixie shuffles into the press conference a quarter of the way through, late as fuck. Upon her arrival, she's asked some questions.
Michelle Balmer | MMACORE.COM
Trixie after having such a successful debut at GFN 4 against Sophie Anderson after brutally finishing her in the second round, how do you feel heading into this fight with Jessica House Saturday Night?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
I am feeling fucking great dude. Jessica is pretty cool, she's been in a few scraps in GCC up until this point and has built quite a reputation for herself but just like Sophie, I am bring tha' fight straight to her yard. Just like Sophie, I think she will shrink under pressure. I make world class strikers afraid to strike with me and they get's ta' grappling. I can't wait to test out Jessica's Iron Chin.
Kevin Wilson | MMAWORLD.COM
As you've probably heard Trixie, Nika Kosov was injured and Fazan Khan is looking for a replacement for her against Krystal Knight. If you walk out of this fight with a win and in good shape, can we see a quick turn around for you perhaps for Feb 1st?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
Fuck yeah dude, I'm totally down for that shit. Camp or no camp, I am down for a good scrap at a moments notice and it doesn't even need to be in a cage. We can do it right on the street, sidewalk outside of the arena it doesn't matter to me. That fight with Krystal would put me right in tha' mix with the champ well before the date circled in my calender. Let's do that shit, Khan.
Jasmine Vivica | Blogger
At the open workouts earlier this week, Gunplay MMA was referred to as a small gym by the writer. How do you feel about that and are there more Gunplay MMA mixed martial artists set to make that walk?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
It's cool, I fuck with it. Gunplay MMA isn't some make-a-fighter-wish type bullshit where we just slap a few tats on generic eric off the street and throw him into the cage. We also don't let no soft ass bitches or fuckboys into our ranks either. And tryouts? Is that what the streets are about these days? Haha, oh shit. Nah. We about that quality over tha' quanitity type shit, you feel me? We got a few more shooters set for release in due time but you should keep up with Jay Mantis on those details since he running the ship, not me.
Nathan Zafir |
So, we're looking to add something new to our fight libarary. Do you think you and Jessica House can win FOTN?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
I wouldn't bet on it. Historically, first round wipeouts don't cut it for FOTN as usually it takes two ta' make a great fight. While Jessica House is in shape and is going to show up and show out, I am looking to take her out quickly. I will chop down at her legs until she can't even think ta' duck down to shoot in for takedowns and then it's just easy pickings from there.
Carlos Machado | Blogger
As we know, Jessica House has been doing a lot of charitable work prior to her fight with you on Saturday Night. Have you done anything cheritable leading up to this fight?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
Yeah, I am going to sit here and answer your stupid ass question.
Dude, nobody gives a shit. Ta' her credit, at least she kept her bullshit off of twitter with the rest of the virtue signaling gang on there. Everyone quick to talk about charity this and charity that for some good vibe clout but don't even take the time to educuate anyone about ta' cause to begin with. Fuck you and your go fund my next vacation scams, I am here to fight, get paid and go home. That chicks charity work doesn't mean shit to me and it probably means even less ta' her since she went so far out of her way to tell us all about it without anybody fucking asking.
Sergio Mendez | Spain fightclub
What's next for you after Jessica House?
Trixie Redd | Drippy
I want ta' fight with Knight. If not, I'll take some time to see who's next. I am sure Juanita Sanchez is looking for a striker she thinks she can exploit with her wrestling and Anaquin has some clout behind her but if Khan wants ta' feed Misty ta' me, I'll jump on that fight in a heartbeat. That bitch talks way too much shit and I am ta' one to shut her the fuck up once and for all.
Sergio Mendez | Spain fightclub
Anything else?
Trixie Redd|Drippy
Yeah, 69nine sent us the coordinates to Mr. Khan's Saudi oil plants. Fuck this fightin' shit, we about to get RICH.
Trixie laughs as she looks over to Mr. Khan for approval, he ignores her so she laughs even harder and shrugs her shoulders.