I am having a great time in Spain and it isn't even fight night yet.
When I ran into Shazir Khan, he was wearing a black suit and dark tinted eye glasses. Believe it or not, he was on security detail for the open workouts. When I asked why he wasn't an active participant in the open workouts, he had has his reasons. ''Training? It's already done my friend. I have a better chance of finding a fight back here then the one booked on Saturday against Drake Knight. You go find Drake Knight and you tell the world what kind of shape he's in for this fight. Take a left, a right down the hall and you'll find that out of shape shack of shit hanging out by the catering table double dipping like the rest of you Americans. Go.'' Well, as you can see by that encounter he's nothing like the old man Khan. His voice deep and intimidating, I hadn't experience fear quite like it to be honest. Prediction for the fight? Khan takes this by WHATEVER HE WANTS!!! Shazir Khan Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for one big KO shot in favor of combinations. Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to start the bout fast and aggressively Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to land ground and pound over the use of submissions +100 stamina, 89+ consistency "Morales may have iron chin, but even iron can break. And, you will see exactly what I mean very soon." These were the words of someone who I believe is secretly an assassin. A murderer. At the very least, a Russian spy. Anyways, it's probably important to note that Gaia Galanos has been splitting her time assisting Baranov and Jack Nation prepare for their fights. Earlier this week Gaia Galanos had taken it to (Twitter) to tweet about Aleksandr Baranov's abilities stating: "Should be interesting to see @BaranovGCC step into the octagon for the first time in @global_champ. The man is a beast in his stand-up game." The coaches enjoy seeing Baranov work due to his professional background in fighting and combat. His i experience shows in his abilities when he turns on his competitive mode on.
Aleksandr Baranov Trait 1 >>> This fighter will opt to throw strike combinations over one big KO shot. Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look for a Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of looking to escape ground positions +100 stamina, 89+ consistency There was once upon of time before the era of Misty DeMeans that HILITE FC fighters were known as the baby faces of the industry but since the addition of Misty, the gym is considered notorious. A great example of this is, Arturo Montana. A clean faced kid from Panama who barely speaks a lick of English, shy, quiet and keeps to himself and is just about guaranteed to get booed out of the building due to his association with his boxing coach. Misty didn't even let me near her pet project.
''What are you bothering Arturo for? He doesn't have anything to say to you, gringo. Just know that he's going to be ready this Saturday, he's going to fuck up Gunny's shit and then we're coming for Rob Jones. That little nigga thought he was safe by running to Global like a coward and playing up to their bullshit rules about men not fighting women so I guess I am going to have to live vicariously through Arturo fuckin' Montana. So once we get the fight imma be standing across his their fucking corner reminding them TW combat sport cucks that we own their bitch asses wherever they go.'' Arturo Montana Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for a Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to lock in flying submissions at a higher rate Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in leg locks +100 stamina, 89+ consistency Jessica has been busy away from camp as she has been helping her daughter celebrate her 8th birthday. While she couldn't be here at the open workouts today, she has dedicated her upcoming fight to her daughter. Jessica has also done some events with local school kids, teaching them some basic self defense maneuvers and also talking to them about bullying and why it's wrong, as well as other charitable events.
Jessica House Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to initiate the clinch at a higher rate. Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to keep the fight standing whenever possible. +100 stamina, 89+ consistency
Representing one of the smallest gyms in GCC, Trixie Redd put quite a display during her pad work for the crowd. Every shot this chick throws hits with full power. I don't think she even knows how to pull any of her punches even if she wanted too. After destroying Sophie Anderson (who is a beast in her own right), Trixie's camp Gunplay MMA expects her to make quick work of Jessica House and improve her record to 2-0. Trixie Redd Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw a high volume of leg kicks Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to be the aggressor against her opponent constantly pushing forward. Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in Guillotine chokes +100 stamina, 89+ consistency At GFN 4, Christian Ibanez pulled off a comeback when he finished Leon Young by TKO late in the third round after being down on all three judges score cards. Since then, he along with Nika Kosov have launched a new gym called Kosov Kourt and Leon Young himself has joined on as one of their founding members. He was eager to speak to my translation and give us the following statement. ''I'm going to earn my place on fight night, I'm going to prove I'm the best middleweight this company has to offer and leave them no choice but to put me in for a title shot. I know I can beat the two men in the main event but before that I have to prove I can beat Reggie. Big shout out to Kosov Kosov Kourt!'' Christian Ibanez Trait 1 >>> This fighter will opt to throw strike combinations over one big KO shot. Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to slam his opponent down at a higher rate. Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to land ground and pound over the use of submissions +100 stamina, 89+ consistency
While Christian Ibanez was friendly and welcoming, Reggie Martin was moody and irritable. The brit wasn't in the best of spirits especially since the last time out he was out wrestled and bullied by Clive Hicks for three rounds straight. As Reggie warmed up with his TW COMBAT teammates he was cold and outright non-responsive to any and all media. That said, he's ripped and in great shape.
Reggie Martin
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for a Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will avoid striking exchanges with his opponent
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in triangle chokes
+100 stamina, 89+ consistency Jack Nation also seemed to be irritated during the event. It seems that something backstage may have occurred between him, Clive Hicks and his former team @ HILITE FC that caused him some sort of discomfort. Shazir Khan was on the phone calling someone and was visibly angry. We don't know if or how this may effect Jack Nation heading into a fight of this magnitude as he refused to speak with me but this is how I anticipate he will approach the fight on Saturday Night. Jack Nation Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to out counter strike their opponent. Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to lock in arm bars at a higher rate. +100 stamina, 89+ consistency At the end of the event, I caught up with HILITE FC's very own Clive Hicks. Initially perceived to be the red headed stepchild per say out of the bunch, it seemed he finally earned the respect and admiration from all his training partners at HILITE FC. This time everyone including himself had a much more serious business like approach with the middleweight championship on the line. All of the HILITE FC coaches were present and all of them were focused on prepping Clive for his breakout moment. Clive Hicks Trait 1 >>> This fighter will opt to throw strike combinations over one big KO shot. Trait 2 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of avoiding or escaping choke submissions Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of avoiding or escaping technical submissions. +100 stamina, 89+ consistency At the conclusion of the event, Clive Hicks himself and the rest of the HILITE FC denied any allegations that there was a flare up backstage with Jack Nation or his teammates insinuating that his camp may have been trying to drive a false narrative prior to the press conference to push additional subscriber buy ins.
The House of Khan management team has declined to comment on the allegations made by either party.