The following events in this thread occur on July 16th, 2020 so no references or statements should be made on social media regarding this event until July 16th, 2020. Due to COVID-19 the press conference will be held via ZOOM.
''Alright ya'll know the drill... let's keep this shit short and sweet.''
''With your sister submitting her opponent to retain her title, do you feel any added pressure?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Nope, I taught her everything she knows.''
''And how about TW Combat Sports? The coach has insulted you on twitter multiple times but you have had yet to respond.''
Feloni DeMeans
''First time I am hearing of it that goes to show you just how little anyone gives a fuck about their opinions. All I know is before I got in there with Sammie Ward they didn't have that same energy and only a true bitch talks all their shit AFTER a fight.''
''Feloni, what's going on at highlight? Several prominent members have been kicked out at the discretion of your sister. Why?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Hell if I know. Like I told ya'll on twitter, I only train there twice a week. Three times MAX. So I can't really give you the nitty gritty plus I ain't a snitch anyways. Imma just keep it 100 with ya'll and tell you I really don't give a fuck. I never liked them. Sophie, a bit. The rest of them came from some other country and barely spoke any English. Those niggas can't sell any fights, can't make the gym no money so fuck em.''
''And why weren't you kicked out of the gym for reportedly having a poor work ethic?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Bitch please. I worked hard as fuck heading into this fight. Just cause' I ain't in the gym EVERY FUCKING DAY like Misty and them doesn't mean there ain't a method to my madness. I am wired differently, I don't need to be in the gym all the time to prepare for a fight. Plus, recovery is just as important as everything else. You can SLEEP but don't SLEEP on that recovery, you feel me? I'm good bruh, I'm chill as fuck.''
''What are your thoughts about Kiiara?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Fuck if I know, you tell me? I don't know if this chicks even alive at this point. Nobodies heard from her lately. First time I saw her she was getting tapped out and the last time I seen her she was pushing that redheaded step child Leah what's her face three rounds with gas leaking from the tank so truth be told you don't know what you're gonna get out of that chick come fight night but I'm ready for whatever.''
''And what's the big plan after you win this fight and get off the prelims?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Shit, I'mma re-up on this contract and get me paid some more money. I heard some niggas talking about how GCC ain't pay for shit but I've already made more than Misty did while she was out there fighting dudes at this point of my career and I haven't even won me a fight yet... shit. Life's good bro, I ain't tripping.''
Feloni DeMeans
''Alright ya'll know the drill... let's keep this shit short and sweet.''
''With your sister submitting her opponent to retain her title, do you feel any added pressure?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Nope, I taught her everything she knows.''
''And how about TW Combat Sports? The coach has insulted you on twitter multiple times but you have had yet to respond.''
Feloni DeMeans
''First time I am hearing of it that goes to show you just how little anyone gives a fuck about their opinions. All I know is before I got in there with Sammie Ward they didn't have that same energy and only a true bitch talks all their shit AFTER a fight.''
''Feloni, what's going on at highlight? Several prominent members have been kicked out at the discretion of your sister. Why?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Hell if I know. Like I told ya'll on twitter, I only train there twice a week. Three times MAX. So I can't really give you the nitty gritty plus I ain't a snitch anyways. Imma just keep it 100 with ya'll and tell you I really don't give a fuck. I never liked them. Sophie, a bit. The rest of them came from some other country and barely spoke any English. Those niggas can't sell any fights, can't make the gym no money so fuck em.''
''And why weren't you kicked out of the gym for reportedly having a poor work ethic?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Bitch please. I worked hard as fuck heading into this fight. Just cause' I ain't in the gym EVERY FUCKING DAY like Misty and them doesn't mean there ain't a method to my madness. I am wired differently, I don't need to be in the gym all the time to prepare for a fight. Plus, recovery is just as important as everything else. You can SLEEP but don't SLEEP on that recovery, you feel me? I'm good bruh, I'm chill as fuck.''
''What are your thoughts about Kiiara?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Fuck if I know, you tell me? I don't know if this chicks even alive at this point. Nobodies heard from her lately. First time I saw her she was getting tapped out and the last time I seen her she was pushing that redheaded step child Leah what's her face three rounds with gas leaking from the tank so truth be told you don't know what you're gonna get out of that chick come fight night but I'm ready for whatever.''
''And what's the big plan after you win this fight and get off the prelims?''
Feloni DeMeans
''Shit, I'mma re-up on this contract and get me paid some more money. I heard some niggas talking about how GCC ain't pay for shit but I've already made more than Misty did while she was out there fighting dudes at this point of my career and I haven't even won me a fight yet... shit. Life's good bro, I ain't tripping.''