GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi

Jessie Wilde has a conversation with TW Combat teammate, Tanner
Mcklesson. He tells Tanner that the gym back is home is rooting for
him and that there's no reason why he shouldn't win the fight against
Vitalis. He tells Tanner that Rossi didn't have high expectations for
the HILITE or GUNPLAY MMA guys but we're his own and that it's up to
them to put team Rossi on their backs. He tells Tanner that whatever
he needs to prepare him for his fight he can count on him; Tanner
politely thanks Jessie but tells him that he has everything under control.

Nikoli Volkov confronts Oliver LaPierre about the missing vodka from
his pack. Oliver denies having anything to do with it and reminds
Nikoli that he does not drink. Nikoli tells Oliver that he was the
only person aside from Esteban Garcia who knew about his stash; Oliver
responds that he should press him for answers then because he had
nothing to do with it. Before tensions reach their peak, Oliver tells
Nikoli to be tactful how he approaches the situation because he
shouldn't have the alcohol in the house to begin with.

Tyron Bagley and Tyreek Briggs talk about their fights and
shortcomings on GUF. Tyreek Briggs says he would like to chill with
Tyron and some other HILITE FC fighters after the show. Tyron says
he's down for it and feels like maybe they can do something together
to bring the their two camps closer together. They even speculate how
Misty and Trixie would take to each other and agree that it would
probably be a mess.

Esteban Garcia approaches Team Nations Demetrius Vitalis about the
story doing it's round around the house about him having a stash of
modeling photos of the Themis sisters. Acknowledging how weird it all
is, Esteban Garcia admits that the house is taking a toll on him and
he needs some sort of entertainment to preoccupy himself with.
Understanding, Vitalis agrees to part ways with a photo of each
sister. Gross.
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Anurak Chanthara freaks out over a spider in the house. Sanit Khalan
is cracking up laughing as Anurak grabs a broom to try to kill it. In
Thai Sanit tells him the spider is on his foot and Anurak Chanthara
jumps back and swings the broom over the kitchen counter knocking over
and shattering a glass cup. Other housemates file into the kitchen to
see what the commotion is all about while Sanit Khalan keels over in

Danny Cross has a chat with Garcia and Volkov from Team Kosov - he
feels like it's his best fit. Esteban Garcia adds that they are tons
of a hot women that train at Kosov Kourt as part of his sales pitch.
Nikoli Volkov name drops Nika Kosov and Danny Cross is all ears. The
conversation ends by Danny Cross agreeing to check out Kosov Kourt
after they leave the house.

Javi Ali and Sunil Khan have a huge argument. Javi Ali accuses Sunil Khan of lying to the team about his involvement with Arius Pagonis telling him that they hurt Jacob Klein on purpose so that Sunil could take his place. Sunil asks Javi Ali what is problem is and why has he been on him since they arrived to the house? Javi tells him that Sunil has lost his way in the eyes of Allah and that when they arrive back in Abu Dhabi he will have to pay the cost of his evil deeds. Sunil Khan tells Javi Ali that he will not run him out of the house of Khan like he did his little sister, Sunni. Javi tells Sunil to get out of his face before he gets hurt and Sunil makes the wise decision to back down.

Arius Pagonis tells Sanit Khalan that Tanner Mcklesson is going to
have his way with Vitalis. He tells Sanit Khalan that Vitalis wasn't
supposed to be on the show and he can't wait for him to be exposed. He
tells Sanit Khalan that everyone worth a shit on the team has already
made it through and that he could care less about Vitalis and Klein. He
tells Sanit that he and the rest of the team better start preparing
for the next round of fights instead of wasting time and resources on them. Sanit Khalan tells
Vitalis that he's seen much improvement from Vitalis and that Arius should not count him out just yet.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

Carson Carver trains with his Gunplay MMA teammate Tyreek Briggs.
Briggs serves as Carson's drill Sargent during his workout session.
Carson admits that he needs someone like Briggs in his corner because
it's easy for him to lose focus at times. Briggs jokingly calls Carson
Carver the ''great white hope'' of Gunplay MMA.

Tanner McKlesson has a conversation with Oliver LaPierre. They talk
about pre-fight emotions, fight prep, cage jitters etc - viewers find
out that Tanner feels nothing before fights. Oliver tells him he's
never met a fighter like him. Awkward silence comes between the two
when Oliver presses further and asks Tanner Mcklesson how he got his
nickname, Silent Kill? Tanner Mcklesson tells Oliver LaPierre that
it's a long story.

Esteban Garcia and Nikoli Volkov get into a spat when Volkov calls
it day too early. Volkov tells Garcia that at the end of the day, it's
his fight to fight since he's already been eliminated. Garcia tells
Volkov he is being a selfish asshole and Volkov responds by telling
Garcia the rest of the vodka at the house and asks him, ''how is that
for selfish?''; Esteban Garcia later tells producers that Nikoli
Volkov is a sore loser.

Head coach Paul Rossi has brought in extra help from TW Combat
members to help prepare Tanner Mcklesson for his fight. Paul Rossi
develops a game plan for Tanner based on keeping the fight standing
and within striking range, utilizing sharp boxing combinations and
focused on his getup abilities and scrambling skills knowing that
Vitalis is going to want to grapple with Tanner.
GUF GYM #TeamNation

Jacob Klein shows up to the gym and is welcomed back by his team. He
tells them that the injury was not extremely serious and is pending
medical clearance to see if he can still fight. In the mean time, he
tells Team Nation that he just wants to observe their workout
regiments for the week.

Demetrius Vitalis has a grappling session with Arius Pagonis, Pagonis is
unable to submit him successfully as the two grapplers neutralize
each-other completely. Arius Pagonis chalks it up to having an off day
and not taking Vitalis seriously enough telling GUF producers that he
will never be in the same league as him.

Danny Cross has a sparring session with Anurak Chanthara and comes
out on the short end of things but holds his own. He later tells
producers that he's been working hard in the gym everyday to improve
in the hopes that the GCC notices his hard work and gives him another

Jack Nation works with Demetrius Vitalis and develops a game plan
based on counter striking in stand up exchanges, pulling guard from the
clinch and aggressively fishing for take downs off his back once the
fight hits the mat. With Jack Nation being one of the best submission
artists in the world, Vitalis feels right at home during the fight
preparation and tells producers he's learned a lot working with coach.

Tanner Mcklesson looks to be shell shocked after losing the fight to
Vitalis. The team Rossi locker room is dead silent. Paul Ross himself
is lost for words. Staffers are cutting off his hand tape as several team
Rossi members mill around the locker room aimlessly.

Jessie Wilde begins to speak up but Paul Rossi interjects. He tells
the team that Tanner did everything he possibly could out there
tonight and that he was unfortunate enough to get caught. He reminds
them that what happened to Tanner could happen to anyone of them and
reminds them of his own loss against Indigo Greene under similar
circumstance. He pumps up the team by telling them that Tanner wins
that fight nine out of ten times and that he will be back in the GCC
in no time.

Paul Rossi asks Carson Carver if he's ready and that he better be
because there is nobody else after him. Carson responds confidently
and says that he is going to be the one to get the job done and end
the round off on the right note for Team Rossi. He says he likes Jacob
Klein but it doesn't matter if it's him or Sunil Khan he is breaking
the breaks off one of those motherf*ckers when the cage door closes
and that bell rings. Paul Rossi tells Carson that the time for talking
is over, he needs results

Demetrius Vitalis is over the moon after his victory of Tanner Mcklesson -
even as he sports a bruised and battered face. While his team
congratulates him he is very excited that he's made the Themis sisters
proud and as result has justified his place on the show by winning his
fight. He says he trains with the best fighters in the world and
shouts out Themis Palestra Athens telling viewers that all this was
done with just the basic gym membership.

Jack Nation tells Team Nation that they did it! By winning this
fight they ensure that they have the numbers going into the semi-final
round. He tells them that with this last fight remaining winning it
will be a cherry on top and Team Rossi will only be able to send two
of their guys to the next round compared to their six. He tells his
team that he is proud of each and every one of them and congratulates
them all on coming this far.

Jacob Klein tells the team that he already got his results back but
wanted to keep them in suspense... he tells Team Nation that he's
cleared to compete and will be fighting Carson Carver. Everyone on
Team Nation is happy for him with the exception of Sunil Khan & Arius
Pagonis who are bitter for several reasons.
At the fight selection meeting the final bout of the opening round is set as Team Nation's Jacob Klein out of Tundra MMA will take on Team Rossi's Carson Carver by the way of Gunplay MMA in a lightweight bout. The two square up and have a friendly big/little brother approach as Carson Carver jokingly puts him in a headlock and gives him a nuggie. The two laugh as they shake hands and re-join their respective teams.