GUF House #TeamRossi

For the first time in the GUF house, Tanner Mcklesson appears to be
coming out of his shell and is hanging out with the rest of Team Rossi
minus Jessie Wilde who has isolated himself from the rest of the team.
He doesn't say much but he's laughing at the others telling jokes and
assimilating to his surroundings well.

The team clowns on Tyron Bagley for his crush on Misty DeMeans. They joke that Tyron Bagley almost swung on Jessie Wilde for saying something disrespectful about her. Tyron Bagley defends Misty and says that he wouldn't be here or have a career in MMA without her. Esteban Garcia tells Tyron Bagley that he thinks she's pretty hot. Tyron laughs it off and tells Esteban not to say that shit around her because she will kill him. They talk about how Misty DeMeans used to knock out fully grown dudes in another MMA promotion and respect her as a mixed martial artist.

Nikoli realizes that there is some vodka missing from his stash, he
immediately approaches Esteban Garcia who denies having taken anything
without his permission. Nikoli is upset and Esteban reminds him that
the only other person who knew about the stash was Oliver LaPierre and
the two begin to speculate that he must be in someway involved.

Jessie Wilde confronts Oliver LaPierre - he tells Oliver that he thinks Tyron and him purposefully caused tensions so that they could have their coach installed, Oliver denies the accusations. He tells him that none of them knew that Paul Rossi would walk off the team or that Misty would have any involvement in the show - all they knew is that they didn't want to fight under the leadership of Paul Rossi. He tells Jessie that while Tyron may have hatred for TW Combat Sports he does not but at the same time he felt that standing with Tyron and the other guys was the right thing to do. Oliver tells Jessie that he is fighting harder for Paul Rossi then Paul Rossi is fighting for any of them.
GUF House #TeamNation

Danny Cross is seen hanging out with core members from Team Rossi
and begins to neglect his #TeamNation teammates. This is initially
picked up on by Sunil Khan who then begins to spread this to the rest
of the house. He also adds that Tyron Bagley told him about an
interaction he had with Misty DeMeans asking if he could train with
HILITE FC and Misty turning him down.

Arius Pagonis comes across Nikoli Volkov's hidden vodka stash. He
ends up stealing some from it but covers his tracks well. He doesn't
tell anyone about finding it and later tells producers that he plans
to use the information to stirr up trouble in the house; explains how
fighting is one big game of mental warfare and the more he can keep
everyone distracted or fighting with each other the better it is for
him and his chances on winning it all.

Sanit Klahan confronts Sunil Khan about the Jacob Klein injury. He
accuses Sunil Khan as having something to do with it. Sunil Khan
denies the accusation and tells Sunil that his families reputation is
on the line and that he wouldn't risk ruining it for anyone on the

Javi Ali tells several team members that Arius Pagonis is a rat and
purposefully injured Jacob Klein to help out Sunil Khan. Javi later
tells producers that he is going to call them out on it in a team
meeting laying all the cards out on the table for the world to see
unless Arius and Sunil come clean about their actions to Team Nation.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

Coach Misty DeMeans pulls Jessie Wilde aside and tells him that she
knows he doesn't like her but that he needs to eat his shit with a
smile on his face because she is there to help his team whether he or
Paul Rossi likes her personally. She tells Jessie that she is here and
considers it a business transaction and that by the end of it
everybody will get what they want including his team back. She tells
Jessie that although he may not see it right now by the time she
leaves he will realized that she saved the teams whole fu*king season
and expects a thank you from him by the end of it.

Nikoli Volkov observes teammate Tyreek Briggs busting his ass in the
gym. With Tyreek exhausted after hitting the bench press, Nikoli
approaches him and asks him what keeps him motivated to keep training
as hard as he does even after he's been eliminated from the show.
Tyreek Briggs confused by his question tells him that this doesn't
have to be the end for any of them even though they've been eliminated
from the show. He tells him that the show is just a platform provided
to them and that it's up to them to make the most of it. Volkov
responds by admitting he didn't see things that way at all but it's
given him something to think about.

Esteban Garcia and Jessie Wilde workout together. Esteban says no
offense to some of the other guys but it's just different when you
working with someone else who still has something to fight for. Jessie
agrees and says welcome to the winner circle. They agree that it would
be nice to have more guys on their team in the same headspace they
share but have come to terms that they may end up being the only one's
to advance to the next round.

Misty Demeans focuses her resources on preparing Oliver LaPierre for his bout with Javi Ali. The game plan is centered around trading shots until Javi let's his guard down and allows Oliver to get in on his legs to take him down to the mat. Once the fight is in his world, he plans to land heavy ground and pound to finish the fight. They know that Javi Ali poses a minimal submission threat off his back and should be able to thwart any submission attempts.
GUF GYM #TeamNation

Jack Nation tells Arius Pagonis that he needs to take a few days off
from sparring and rolling but he can remain in the gym to stay in
shape. He tells Arius that he's been hearing rumors that make him very
uncomfortable and that the team needs a few days to work through it
and figure out a solid resolution. Arius Pagonis tells Jack that it
was an accident and that he's being treated unfairly by him and the
rest of the team.

Demetrius Vitalis submits Anurak Chanthara in a grappling session
AGAIN! Sanit Khalan pulls Anurak aside and tells him that
they can't go easy on the kid anymore because he will be tasked to
fight next. Anurak responds by saying, he didn't go easy on
him. He admits that Vitalis legitimately submitted him this time.
Sanit looks at Anurak amazed by this revelation and the two are very
pleased with their teammates progress.

Danny Cross has a tough time during a training session when he is
knocked down hard by lightweight, Sanit Khalan with a left hook. Danny
takes a few moments to gain his wits about him before he removes his
headgear in frustration. Sanit comes to his aid and apologizes for
hitting him so hard. Danny later tells producers that he wasn't upset
at Sanit but at himself for how poorly he's been performing since he's
arrived on the show - he feels like he's hit a wall and doesn't know
what to do anymore.

Jack Nation works with Javi Ali and develops a game plan with him heavily focused on the clinch. They want him to keep Oliver backed up against the cage where they can land in knees, elbows and dirty box him to drain his stamina and tire him out. They know that he will be aggressive with his take downs so Javi Ali plans to be aggressive with his submissions; specifically focusing on Kimura to lock something in on the wrestler, Oliver LaPierre. They will avoid trading with him in stand up situations knowing that he has an advantage with Misty DeMeans in his corner.

After the fight the team heads into the locker room dejected that
they've now dropped 4 fights in a row. Oliver LaPierre fights back
tears as the team surrounds him in despair. Misty whistles as loud as
she can which directs the teams energy to her. She doesn't say
anything instead she drops a card board box and opens it up. Team
Jerseys. She takes the brand new team jerseys from the box and tosses
them out to each member of the team.

Jessie Wilde is the first to break the silence and asks Misty about the new team jerseys and tells her they all say Team Rossi. The team is even more confused when head coach Paul Rossi walks into the the locker room. With the arrival of Paul Rossi, Misty stands up and tucks her cellphone in her pocket and tells the team that she believes that her job here is done. She turns to Paul Rossi, smiles and then walks out the locker room right passed him leaving him to pick up the remaining pieces she's left behind.

Paul Rossi tells his team that this was the first time he's been tasked with coaching an entire team and that he know's he has made some mistakes and alienated some of the team members with his actions and coaching style. He says that by bringing Misty DeMeans in he hoped that he could extend an olive branch to the HILITE FC guys and anyone else who felt they were disenfranchised on the team. Most importantly, he wanted to have everyone come together as a team again. He admits that he is no fan of Misty by any stretch of the imagination but that she has managed to bring the team together again and that together they may be able to turn things around next week. Tyron Bagley tells Rossi that he and the rest of the team are 100% with him and the two shake on it.

Javi Ali shouts out prayers to Allah in Arabic as he is ecstatic about
his victory over Oliver LaPierre. The team congratulates him on his
victory. He says that Oliver LaPierre was the greatest opponent he has
faced and is thankful for the opportunity provided to him by the GCC
and the prophet. He tells Demetrius Vitalis specifically that he
wants to see him win his next fight because if there is anyone that he
would like to fight next, he hopes it's someone from Team Nation. He
then excuses himself to make prayer in private.

Sunil Khan tells Jack Nation that he has something he needs to tell
Team Nation. Team Nation gathers together and Arius Pagonis shoots
darts his way. Sunil Khan tells the team that he is aware that there
are rumors going around him and Pagonis being in co-hoots and needs to
come clean to save his name and family reputation. He tells team
Nation that he and Pagonis conspired together to deface the TW Combat
Sports mural in Paul Rossi's team gym. Sunil was able to get a spare
key for Pagonis who defaced the mural. The team looks confused but
otherwise begin to laugh their asses off even Arius himself cracks a

Jack Nation talks to his team and tells them that all they need is two
more wins to close out Team Rossi. He tells them that Jacob Klein is
being evaluated and they are unsure if he will be able to compete in
his bout; he tells Team Nation that if he does not return, Sunil Khan
will be named as his replacement and tells the rest of the team to
help him make sure he's ready. Jack Nation rallies his troops together
in a big huddle and tells them Team Nation on three! One... two...
three... TEAM NATION!!!
With only two possible picks available, it's no surprise to anyone
that Demetrious Vitalis from Themis Palestra Athens is chosen by Jack
Nation to fight against TW Combat Sports top prospect Tannner
Mcklesson in the final middleweight matchup in the first round
bracket. The two look each other dead in the eyes with neither man
showing any signs of backing down. Both teams are hyped up as both men
back away from each other and rejoin their respective coaches and