GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi

At the GUF house Esteban Garcia is being showed by love and support
of his teammates who know have the momentum on their side. Esteban
Garcia and Nikoli Volkov celebrate with some late evening drinking
resulting in Esteban Garcia getting drunk.

Tyron Bagley confides in Tyreek Briggs by telling him that head
coach Paul Rossi is full of shit and had no business disrespecting
everyone like that. He calls Paul Rossi decision to give his guy
Jessie Wilde the fight bias as fuck. Briggs is in agreement but does
his best to talk Tyron down from confronting coach Rossi directly.

Jessie Wilde and Carson Carver talk about home life and their home
team training camps. The two get along well and make a pact to watch
each-others back in the house.

As the team gathers in the living room to shoot the shit, Tanner
Mcklesson is on the balcony all alone. He expresses to himself that he
misses being home and wonders if he made the right decision by coming
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Danny Cross is taking his loss against Esteban Garcia very hard.
After being consoled by his team he confides in his Tundra MMA
teammate Jacob Klein. He expresses that he feels that he was
unprepared for the fight and to participate on the show and says that
he feels he needs to make a change of gyms back at home ultimately
feeling that Tundra MMA isn't the best place for him to be and grow as
a mixed martial artist.

Sunil Khan is upset that Paul Rossi has targeted him and has taken
the match up personally. He says he doesn't think Paul Rossi deserved
to coach the GUF and that he is taking it as a direct attack on my
grandfather. Enraged Sunil Khan vows to eliminate Jessie Wilde and
get the control of the season into the hands of Team Nation.

Sanit Klahan is currently teaching English to Anurak Chanthara and
has been doing so for the past several months. Sanit Klahan
stresses the importance to learning English to Lone Wolf MMA natives
in order to be more marketable and earn more money in the GCC.

Arius Pagonis confronts his teammate Demitrius Vitalis about his
participation in the show and tells him that he does not belong here;
he threatens to out this information to Team Rossi. Vitalis suggests
that doing so would only hurt Team Nation and his own chances of
winning his respective lightweight bracket.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

While Oliver LaPierre is grappling with Esteban Garcia he smells the
scent of alcohol. After team practice, Oliver confronts Garcia about
the smell and Esteban Garcia denies having anything to drink and says
he wouldn't risk his spot on the tournament doing something stupid;
Oliver doesn't buy it.

Tyron Bagley complains to several team members about Paul Rossi's
team training system. He believes that head coach Paul Rossi does not
care about the rest of them and has bias against HILITE FC team
members. Also says that Paul Rossi calling them out about ''easy''
fights was directed to them (specifically his teammate) Oliver

Esteban Garcia easily outworked Tyreek Briggs during grappling
session including hitting a nice judo throw putting him on his head.
Tyreek tells producers that he realizes how good the kid is and how
hard he is going to have to work here in order to win the show and
become the Global Ultimate Fighter.

Jessie Wilde works out privately with Paul Rossi who brings in
additional resources from TW Combat to help prepare for Sunil Khan.
They devise a game plan around the clinch dirty boxing and cage
grappling as to controlling the fight there.
GUF GYM #TeamNation

Arius Pagnois has an altercation with Sunil Khan when he refuses to
roll with him. Sunil tells Arius that he is privy to his background
and knows what he's all about and that he isn't going to fuck up his
chance. Head coach Jack Nation intervenes and ultimately sides with
Khan and swaps him out with Jacob Klein instead.

Anurak Chanthara is submitted with a Kimura by teammate Demitrius
Vitalis which shocks #TeamNation observers. After the grappling
session, Sanit Klahan privately thanks Anurak Chanthara in Thai for
doing him a solid. Anurak Chanthara nods along but tells Sanit Klahan
to not get used to it and that Vitalis is eventually going to have to
fight for himself.

Javi Ali ignores the teams training regiment for the day and decides
to do his own thing. Essentially revolving around cardio training
ending with a light jog on the treadmill. When Jack Nation directly
calls upon him to roll with a teammate, Ali explains that he will
happily does so after a noon prayer, Jack is understanding and patient
with Ali.

Danny Cross is absent from training and decided to stay at the GUF
house alone to deal with his recent loss against Esteban Garcia and
being eliminated from the tournament in the first week. He later tells
producers that it was hard to be there for the team when he feels that
his team was not there for him specifically referring to Tundra MMA's
assistant live in coaches on Team Nation.

Head coach Jack Nation does some light sparring with Sunil to prepare
him for the upcoming fight with Jessie Wilde. The game plan is based
around Sunil Khan keeping the fight within striking distance and his
back away from the cage when trying to avoid the clinch. They know
that Jessie Wilde will try to pursue the clinch as often as possible
and will be aggressively looking to score a knockout.

Backstage Sunil Khan collapses to the ground and cries out to Allah.
His teammate Javi Ali drops to one knee to console Sunil Khan. Javi
Ali tells him in Arabic that god is great and that this was his plan
for him. Javi Ali tells him that this is only the beginning of his MMA
journey and he still has a lot to give. He tells Sunil Khan to stay
humble and remember where he has come from. Sunil Khan insists that
he's let the Khan family down once again and apologies to his younger sister Sunni for how
he's treated her the past few years.

Arius Pagonis snaps at Jack Nation backstage telling him that Team
Rossi is just going to pick them off one by one and by the time they
finally get to him, it'll be to late for Team Nation. Arius goes on to
blast Jack Nation directly to his face for giving Danny Cross the
first fight and losing control to Team Rossi. Jack Nation remains
calm, tells Arius he is out of line and insists that there is still
time to turn things around to which Pagonis storms out of the lockeroom in a fit.

Jack Nation addresses the rest of the team and congratulates Sunil
Khan on a hard fought fight. Jack Nation tells his team that while
they are down 0-2, they still have plenty of time to turn things
around in their favor. He tells them that he does not want them to
stress out or put any added pressure on each other or their teammates
and reminds them that although they are fighting for themselves, until
the finale they are a team and need to stick together. He tells his team that Paul Rossi is an egoistical
asshole who will overplay his hand and that they will regain control of the season as long as they
believe in him and come together as a team.

Jessie Wilde returns to his team who congratulate him on his
victory. Paul Rossi is hyped up and slaps Jessie Wilde across the face
a few times as wilde lets out a victory roar. Paul Rossi then spends
the next ten minutes hyping Jessie Wilde up which in turn seems to
alienate several members of Team Rossi.

After Paul Rossi leaves, Tyron Bagley makes a comment about Jessie
Wilde holding Sunil Khan against the cage. Jessie Wilde takes offense
and the two exchange words. Tyron later goes on to tell producers that
he feels it was bullshit for Paul Rossi to call out the team for
wanting easy fights and then going out into the cage to fight like a
bitch and use stalling tactics to win the fight.

As the locker room clears out, Oliver LaPierre tells HILITE FC
teammate Tyron Bagley to chill out and that he's causing too many
waves with the rest of the team. Oliver stresses that because they are
representing HILITE FC they are already looking for reasons to outcast
them. Tyron tells Oliver he'll do his best to chill out then and Oliver
thanks him for hearing him out.

At the fight selection meeting Paul Rossi selects Tyreek Briggs of
Gunplay MMA to go up against Lone Wolf MMA's Anurak Chanthara of Team
Nation in the middleweight weight class. Jack Nation smiles as
Chanthara stands up and meets Tyreek Briggs in the middle of the gym -
the two men shake hands and then square up for the camera crew.