GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi

Oliver LaPierre and Jessie Wilde meet with each other in private to
have a conversation about the recent events that have fractured Team
Rossi. Oliver LaPierre explains that it was nothing personal but that
they felt that Paul Rossi was not fulfilling his duties as their head
coach. Jessie Wilde insists that Paul Rossi is just misunderstood and
tells him that he will return to the team to work things out. Oliver
disagrees and tells Jessie that they do not want him back. He tells
Jessie that they will sit at the table again once President Khan comes
up with a resolution.

Esteban Garcia vents to Tyreek Briggs and Carson Carver that he
desperately needs the company of a women right about now. He says he's
sick of being locked up in the house and surrounded by all these
dudes. Carson Carver jokes that he saw him trying to hit on a
#TeamNation female staffer to which Esteban Garcia smiles laughs and
confirms he did but that it was almost a week ago and that he needs
another fix.

Tanner McKlesson separates himself from the rest of the house and
remains secluded in his bedroom only coming out to get something to
eat or drink. He explains to GUF producers that things around the
house are getting too tense and that he wants to ensure that he does
not put himself in a position that will cost him his place on the show
stating that everyday it becomes harder and harder to keep his cool.

Tensions between members of Team Rossi hit a fever pitch when Jessie
Wilde makes a comment to Tyron Bagley calling him a ''pu*sy as*
bi*ch'' which causes Tyron Bagley to get up in his face. The two butt
heads and nearly come to throwing fists before the remaining team
members of Team Rossi intervene and split them up.
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Arius Pagonis and Sunil Khan go through Demetrius Vitalis personal
duffel bag and finds several notes/love letters addressed to the
Themis sisters in addition to several modeling pictures. The two crack
up laughing and leave the pictures sprawled out on Vitalis bed before
leaving the bedroom.

Jacob Klein and Danny Cross find the drama on Team Rossi very
amusing. Klein mentions to Cross how Jessie Wilde cursed him out for
telling their group to quiet down after winning their fights in week
one and now that they aren't winning anymore they're acting like a
bunch of babies. Jacob Klein tells Danny he would like nothing more
than to eliminate Jessie Wilde from the lightweight bracket.

Javi Ali finds the pictures on Demetrius Vitalis bed and shakes
his head. Vitalis follows behind him and he asks Demetrius what is
that all about. Vitalis embarrassed quickly shuffles the pictures off
his bed and into his duffel bag telling Javi Ali that somebody must
have gone through his stuff. Javi in response tells him he should not
be lusting over women like that and asks if they're married, Vitalis
quickly retorts that they aren't married... yet.

Sanit Khalan tells Anurak Chanthara in Thai that he believes Sunil
Khan and Arius Pagonis are up to something devious. He explains that
he overheard a conversation between Javi Ali and Sunil Khan where Javi
Ali was warning Sunil Khan about getting too close with Pagonis. He
tells Anurak Chanthara that Arius Pagonis has a bad reputation in
Greece for hurting training partners and holding submissions in on
guys for too long.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

GCC President Fazan Khan has arrived the GUF facility and gathers all
the Team Rossi members together. Mr. Khan explains to Team Rossi that
Paul Rossi is currently absent due to personal reasons but that they
would not be left without a coach for the week. Mr. Khan turns around
and points to the entrance as the head coach and teammates begin to
walk in.

Misty DeMeans smiles a mile wide as she respectfully bows her head.
Immediately she kicks into gear and tells Team Rossi that she's here
to turn things around and to have the team in better shape than it was
when he left it. She admits that she isn't a fan of Paul Rossi but is
a professional and will treat all members of the team on equal
footing. The team is generally excited to work with Misty with the
exception of Jessie Wilde who looks down and grits his teeth in anger.

While the team is working out, Jessie Wilde pulls Tanner Mcklesson
aside. He tells Tanner that he thinks this is bullshit and feels that
working with Misty is a betrayal of TW combat sports. Tanner disagrees
and tells Jessie he's overreacting and that at the end of the day,
Paul Rossi walked out on the team; not them. Jessie tells him that it
doesn't feel right and that they shouldn't stand for it. Tanner walks
away and Jessie realizes he's on his own in this.

Tyron Bagley is in great spirits being able to work with his mentor,
Misty DeMeans. Her team of coaches focus on defensive striking and
utilizing the clinch up against the cage where Tyron Bagley can work
over Sanit with dirty boxing. On the ground, they know they have some
opportunities there as well in terms of maintaining positioning and
executing sweeps.
GUF GYM #TeamNation

Misty DeMeans walks in on Jack Nations team practice and asks
everybody what's up! This catches Nation off guard who's rolling in
the center of the octagon. Members of the Team Nation watch on
confused as Misty DeMeans takes center stage. She tells #TeamNation
that Jack Nation was a good friend of hers, that they used to train
together at HILITE FC before he stabbed them in their backs. She tells
Team Nation that they can all count on Jack Nation to bail on them
when they need him the most just like Paul Rossi did to his team on
GUF. She tells #TeamNation that she will be playing close attention to this season and welcomes any members of #TeamNation to stop by HILITE FC to see what they're all about and promises them that if they want to have any real success in the sport they should all considered leaving the gyms they currently train at.

Jack Nation works with Sanit Khalan on his game plan for his fight
against Tyron. Most if his training is focused on keeping the fight
within striking distance where he has the space to throw a high volume
of kicks at Tyron Bagley. He is instructed to avoid the clinch as
often as possible knowing that Tyron Bagley likely has the advantage
in those positions.

In training, Jacob Klein suffers an injury while rolling with Arius
Pagonis. Headcoach Jack Nation rushes to Jacob's aid who's rolling on
the mats grabbing at his knee. He is screaming out in pain as his
teammates call for more aid. Arius Pagonis begins to tell Jack Nation
his side of the story telling him that he had locked in a leg lock but
that Jacob Klein tapped out too late. As a result, Jacob Klein is
carried out of the gym by paramedics.

After team practice, Danny Cross approaches Misty DeMeans backstage and tells her that he's been considering making a move to a new gym. Danny confides in Misty and tells her that he feels that he was let down by coach Nation and Tundra MMA. He asks if it would be possible for him to check out HILITE FC after the show. Misty laughs and tells Danny Cross that the offer she made was just for show
and that she doesn't want any Tundra MMA GUF rejects infiltrating HILITE FC.

Jessie Wilde storms out of the locker room after Tyron's loss and shoves aside Misty DeMeans on his way out. Misty laughs and tells Team Rossi that she loves that kid. Jessie Wilde tells producers that bringing in Misty DeMeans sealed Team Rossi's fate and that they now have no chance on making a comeback.

The team consoles Tyron Bagley after his loss while Misty DeMeans
observes them from afar - refusing intervention. Oliver, Nikoli and
Tyreek are all shirtless having thrown their team jerseys away. Minus
the absence of Jessie Wilde, this particular loss seems to have
brought the entire team closer than they've ever been. After a few
minutes the team begin to clear out of the backstage locker rooms
but Tyron Bagley stays behind.

Tyron Bagley is heartbroken over his loss against Sanit Klahan. He holds his gloves in
his hands and his head down when Misty DeMeans takes a seat on the bench beside him. He tells her that he's sorry for letting her down and that the one thing he wanted out of this experience if anything was to make her proud. Misty DeMeans tells him that she is proud of him and Tyron Bagley asks her why? Misty explains that by standing up to Paul Rossi and his bullshit he proved to everyone watching that he's a real one and a true ride or die at HILITE FC. She tells him that he will be rewarded for his loyalty and that he's already served out his purpose on GUF.

Jack Nation cautions his team not to get too comfortable. He tells his team that Misty DeMeans is smarter than most people think and that there is a reason why Fazan Khan enlisted her help as the replacement over anybody else. He reminds the team that they are up 3-2 on the season but that their work isn't close to being done yet and that there are still plenty of fights to be had. He tells his team to not let their guard down because they (Team Rossi) will punch them right in the face when they least expect it.

Anurak Chanthara congratulates Sanit Klahan on his victory in Thai and tells him he's made Lone Wolf MMA proud back home. Sanit tells Anurak that nobody thought they would make it through believing that most fans favor American or other western based fighters. Anurak tells Sanit not to worry and that when it's all said and done, he will be the next big international super star in the sport.

Javi Ali tells Jack Nation that this is his time. He tells Jack Nation that all they need is one more win to ensure that at the very least they enter the next round in on equal footing with Team Rossi. He tells Jack Nation that Jacob Klein is hurt and Demetrius Vitalis is too young to handle the pressure and come through in the clutch. He asks Jack Nation to please put the trust in him and select him to fight next. Jack Nation tells Javi Ali that he's ready for this.
And so at the team selection meeting, Jack Nation selects teammate
Javi Ali from The House of Khan to go up against Team Rossi's Oliver
LaPierre from HILITE FC in the middleweight division. Misty grins as
he two men square up for the cameras. They shake hands and respectfully
bow ato each-other before rejoining their teams officially setting the
floor for the next match up of the season.