GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi

Esteban Garcia struts around the house in his housecoat like he owns the place and enjoys being the center of the attention. As Team Rossi's last and final hope he has convinced the rest of the team to treat him like royalty. He has Oliver LaPierre cooking him five course french meals and Tanner Mcklesson cleaning up after him. Even Nikoli Volkov offers to keep him a massage to which Garcia turns because he of... you know, reasons bro.

Tyreek Briggs talks to Carson Carver about having some of his tattoos removed after the show explaining that he's been turning a new leaf in life and a lot of his tattoos he got when he was younger and involved in street gangs. He tells Carver that outside of the house he typically wears suits as an excuse to cover them up and to avoid judgment of his peers.

Oliver LaPierre has a serious conversation with Nikoli Volkov about his drinking and thinks he has a problem. Nikoli Volkov breaks down and explains that he has been struggling with addiction for sometime now. He says that it is has effected his career and has even caused him to pull out of more than one fight before; Oliver encourages him to seek help and tells them that he knows some great people that he can work with after the show and Volkov seems fairly receptive of the idea.
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Arius Pagonis talks to Sunil Khan about Themis Palestra Athens and putting their gym on the map after being overlooked and disrespected for so long. He explains that he believes Atara Themis deserves bigger fights and more money. Sunil Khan retorts that MMA shouldn't be a popularity test and calls him out on his bias. Arius Pagonis says the Themis sisters vouched for him even though he had the stink on him due to his reputation in Greece and he owes them his undying loyalty.

Jacob Klein tells the house a story about how his mother almost prevented him from going to Abu Dhabi to be on the show. He tells everyone that his mom never knew about him training MMA and that he would always tell her that he was at the library studying for his classes. He further explains that his parents were expecting him to go to university to study to be a lawyer and were pissed when they found out he was spending the majority of his free time doing MMA instead. He initially told his mom that he was going to Russia to study and when his mom found out it was to train at Tundra MMA and to be on the show she only allowed it on the condition that he won or he would have to refocus on his studies and get into what she refers to as a real career.

Danny Cross and Sunil Khan speculate as to current events and whether or not a crowd will be present on FINALE night. Danny Cross says that he think that COVID-19 stuff is over and done with. Sunil Khan disagrees and tells Danny Cross there will not be a crowd on finale night and that his grandfather Fazan Khan is extremely liberal in his approach. Sunil explains that Fazan Khan was disgusted by some of the American promotions who put their fans at risk by still holding shows with crowds without the athletic commissions approval. It's now one of Mr. Khan's his goals to run those companies completely out of business.

Javi Ali and Sanit Klahan talk about them both getting the opportunity to fight at the GUF finale and what's at stake for the both of them. Javi Ali says that he will be the first House of Khan member outside of the Khan bloodline to get an opportunity to fight in the GCC and that coming from Iran he never thought this dream could all be possible until Allah told him it was. Sanit Klahan says that he hasn't done anything his team has not already expected of him when arriving on the show and says that he's always had the mindset that the real fight begins when he's crowned the winner and gets a shot for the GCC lightweight championship against Jones. Javi Ali jokes that he wishes he was able to make 155 and that the lightweights noting that the lightweight bracket has the sweeter deal.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

Paul Rossi gathers his team together and announces that there was a fan vote for one lightweight and one middleweight fighter to return for a fight at the GUF finale and that Nikoli Vokov had won. Paul Rossi claps his hands and puts on his best game face on but to anyone who isn't blind it is obvious that it's all an act and that Paul Rossi isn't at all enthused by the news and neither are most of the lightweights on the team who feel that they should have got the second chance.

Oliver LaPierre reminds Nikoli Volkov about this commitment to get help after the show but Volkov backs out telling him that the fans love him and want to see him fight at the GUF FINALE. He tells Oliver that he should have never indulged in giving Oliver the information about his addiction that he shared but says he may consider getting help after his GCC debut is out of the way. He later tells producers that he thinks Oliver LaPierre and his other teammates are jealous of him.

Tyron Bagley throws a fit about Nikoli Volkov winning the vote. He tells Paul Rossi that it's bullshit and that the guy had no business getting a second chance after his shitty performance. Paul Rossi sighs and instead of firing back at Bagley admits he is right. He tells Bagley he doesn't know what the fans were thinking by giving Nikoli Volkov another chance after falling asleep in training, sneaking alcohol into the house and acting like a lazy prick. He then tosses a jab Bagleys way but adding a snide remark that, ''then again, Misty DeMeans has fans too''; Tyron Bagley curses under his breath and tells him the entire show is bullshit.

Head coach Paul Ross works with Esteban Garcia on his game plan for the week. They want Esteban Garcia to aggressively push the pace against Vitalis. He worked with some of TW combat's best grapplers available where Garcia showed off a lot of powerful takedowns and slams. Once the fight is on the ground, Esteban Garcia will look to overwhelm Vitalis with heavy ground and pound to take him out of the fight.
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Jack Nation gathers his guys together and tells them that he has good news for one of them. He explains that there was GCC fan vote held to see which two fighters would have an opportunity to return at the GUF finale. He announces the winner as... Danny Cross. Danny Cross is shocked and can hardly believe he won the vote. The team isn't very supportive of his victory as they have an underlining feeling that Danny Cross was never truly with Team Nation to be begin with.

During a waterbreak Danny Cross and Jacob Klein talk about him winning the fan vote to return at the finale. Danny Cross confesses that he had no idea how he would have won a fan vote. Jacob Klein is confident that Tundra MMA and their supporters had everything to do with it and tells Danny Cross that they really do have his back. Danny Cross is excited to have a second lease on life and tells producers that he now fully intends to remain apart of Tundra MMA and can't wait to head to Russia to prepare with the rest of his team.

Sunil Khan sits on the sidelines with Jack Nation expressing his disappointment with the fan vote. He tells Nation that Javi Ali has been warning him about Arius Pagonis the entire time and telling him that he's lost himself during GUF and admits that maybe Ali was onto something. He says that the fans must have saw what Ali saw watching at home which explains how they could vote in Nikoli Volkov and Danny Cross over him. He tells Nation that what he is going through must be exactly what his sister Sunni Khan had been dealing with being apart of the Khan bloodline. He says that because of who is grandfather is they always have to work harder than everyone else and go the extra mile to prove that they belong and what they earn is based on their own merits alone. Jack Nation tells Sunil Khan that he has an uphill battle moving forward but believes that Sunil Khan has what it takes to be successful in the GCC someday.

Head coach Jack Nation works with Demetrius Vitalis on his game plan for the week. There was a big emphasis placed on getting the fight into the clinch to wear down Garcia throughout the fight. In the clinch, Vitalis has the ability to jump the guard and aggressively fish out the submission. With Jack Nation being one of the best grapplers in the world, Vitalis feels right at home as they prepare for their bout.

Jack Nation celebrates with his team declaring that they have completely wiped out Team Rossi and that on finale night all four fighters competing will be represented by Team Nation. He thanks them all for their effort and tells them he's never been so proud before. He jokes that they have now put all the pressure on him to defeat Paul Rossi on finale night. He tells them that each and everyone of them are like family to him and although they all have their own teams to return too that the door is always open for them at The House of Khan.

Sunil Khan peers over Danny Cross's shoulder and tells him that Jack Nation's offer extends to him as well. Danny Cross thanks Sunil but tells him that he feels right at home with Tundra MMA. Sunil laughs and tells him Ross Hanson must be a smooth operator and that he's aware of the rumors that went around about him looking to join a new team. Sunil sarcastically remarks that it seems that Danny is actually the perfect fit for Tundra MMA.

Arius Pagonis approaches Jacob Klein backstage and offers a hand. Jacob Klein is caught off guard but ends up shaking his hand. Pagonis tightens his grip and told Jacob Klein that he wanted to congratulate him on making it to the semi finals and that he had a great run. Pagonis tells him that while he isn't going to make it to the finale that he's sure his parents are still proud of him back home. Jacob Klein breaks his grip and stands his ground by telling Arius Pagonis that his reign of terror is over.

Team Rossi has completely been defeated. Paul Rossi admits that he did not expect this result when he agreed to coach this team and that no matter how hard he tried he could not turn things around. He asks the team a show of hands on who wants to be still be here and only Jessie Wilde raises his hand. Without the support of his team, Paul Rossi tells them that it's officially over. He tells them go ahead and clean out their lockers that he's making the call to end their season a week early and go home. After a half hour or so the locker room has been cleared out and Paul Rossi is left alone... he lowers his head and turns off the lights.
In the final match up of the season it's Team Nation's Arius Pagonis vs. Team Nation's Jacob Klein! Who will be the last fighter to advance to the GUF finale on October 22? Find out next week on the Global Ultimate Fighter!