GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi

Esteban Garcia, Carson Carver and Tyron Bagley end up drinking Nikoli Volkov's vodka. They all end up getting shit faced drunk and run around the house like drunken idiots. Oliver LaPierre takes note of their behavior and immediately clues in Nikoli as to what has happened.

Nikoli Volkov now aware that his alchohol has been touched immediately goes to investigate his stash. He finds that most of his vodka and alchohal is gone. In a rage he angirly confronts the trio and shoves Esteban Garcia into Carson & Tyron. All hell breaks loose as Nikoli tries to swing on Garcia before Oliver and Jessie Wilde are quickly on the scene to hold everyone back.

The fight is broken up as the house door bell rings, it's Paul Rossi. Paul Rossi marches through the front door with a scowl on his face and tells the house that he's come by to see what the hell has been going on at the house. Immediately, he notices that Esteban Garcia's tank top has been ripped the scuffle and smells the vodka all over them. Paul Rossi questions the group as to how they got alchohal into the house and Nikoli Volkov is forced to come clean. Paul Rossi then proceeds to pour out the remaining alchohal from the stash and tells Nikoli Volkov he has been supended from the team.

After Paul Rossi leaves the house that night, Jessie Wilde rants and raves to the house about their actions. He tells Esteban Garcia that out of all the people in the house he should have been the one to know better since he is the only one besides himself that still has something to fight for. He tells Esteban Garica that he is done fighting for this team and that he is only looking out for his own and TW Combats interests from here on out.
GUF HOUSE #TeamNation

Sanit Klahan commends Javi Ali on how he handled his victory over Anurak Chanthara. He explains that Anurak Chanthara is one of the most respected mixed martial artists in Thailand but admits that he may have already seen his best days. He explains that most of Lone Wolf MMA's old guard is on their way out of the fight business and their gym is now focusing on preparing a new generation of fighters. He hopes that Anurak Chanthara has at least one fight in a GCC ring before he retires.

Danny Cross talks to Sunil Khan about the news of Gaia Galanos leaving The House of Khan to join Tundra MMA. Sunil Khan is surprised by this news and asks him how he knows this and Cross explains that Ross Hanson had mentioned it to him during his visit. Sunil Khan says that he didn't know Gaia well and further explains that he believes only members related to the Khan bloodline should be allowed to train at The House of Khan gym.

Anurak Chanthara has learned how to say some phrases in English. Some of the phrases include, ''Thank you to all the fans for your support!' and ''I will fight anyone!''- generic phrases to be used to communicate with the fanbase after his fights. Sanit Klahan jokes that it doesn't take much creativity to win American fans over.

Jacob Klein annoys several housemates with his school boy antics specifically Arius Pagonis and Sunil Khan. Arius tells Sunil that he doesn't understand how the kid was chosen for the show. Sunil explains that in America they are having kids go professional at a much younger age. He tells Arius about his younger sister Sunnie Khan who is already world champion at the age of the 18 in a US based MMA promotion. Arius laughs and tells him that cannot be right, Sunil tells him he couldn't believe it either and that his sister has made him look like an embarrassment to the rest of his family.
GUF GYM #TeamRossi

Team Rossi arrives to the gym extremely early in the morning. Paul Rossi is putting the entire group through a boot camp style workout/punishment due to their actions back at the GUF house. He tells them that they are a team which means they win and lose as a team that if one of them f*cks up, they f*ck things up for each and every one of them. Paul Rossi tells them that if they can't act like adults at the house then he'll have to keep them at the gym everyday to ensure they behave themselves.

Carson Carver apologizes to Tyreek Briggs for his actions ; Briggs tells him that he doesn't owe him an apology. Carson tells him that he came on the show with one goal in mind and after he realized it was over it was hard for him to cope. He says stirring up some trouble and picking a fight with Volkov was a way for him to forget he lost the only fight that matters. Briggs reminds Carver that they are set and when it's all said and done they got a real family and team outside of here that will put them both back on.

Oliver LaPierre talks to Paul Rossi about Nikoli Volkov belief that he has a drinking problem and needs some professional help. Paul Rossi tells Oliver that he didn't sign up to deal with this type of shit and that Nikoli Volkov needs to sort himself out on his own time. He tells Oliver LaPierre that in two fights from now none of them are his problem anymore. Oliver tells Paul that he needs to do the right thing for once and realize there's more to life then fighting. He tells Rossi that he has the platform and power to help save someone's career and possibly their life and that the whole world is watching his next move.

Paul Rossi works with Jessie Wilde on his game plan. His preparation and training for the fight hasn't changed much and neither has is game plan. He'll be looking to tie Sanit Klahan up in the clinch, push him up against the clinch and grind him down slowly with some dirty boxing to beat him up and tire him out. The general idea here is that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
GUF GYM #TeamNation

Jacob Klein workouts out with a new and improved Danny Cross who's in great spirits and feels he has a second lease on life after his visit with Ross Hanson. Danny Cross tells Jacob Klein that Ross said he has something big planned for him on the outside once the show is over and the two begin to speculate as to what he may have meant by it. Jacob asks Danny if he's made up his mind yet on what he wanted to do when the show is over and Danny Cross tells him that he feels better about Tundra MMA everyday.

Arius Pagonis spars with teammate Vitalis and submits him. He mocks Vitalis about submitting him and then brags to the producers about it. He tells producers that Vitalis is soft and that he can push him around on the mat even though he's the smaller man in stature. He says that there is no way that Vitalis makes it to the finale night and that his Cinderella run will come to an end against Esteban Garcia. He explains that he is keeping his word to Atara Themis by looking out for him but tells the audience that he can't fight for him so he's screwed.

Jack Nation works with Sanit Klahan on his game plan against Paul Rossi. The game plan developed is pretty straight forward, Sanit Klahan is instructed to keep the fight standing and within striking distance avoiding the clinch at all costs. With the fight on the feet, he plans to unleash a high volume of kicks primed for Jessie Wilde's noggin. Jack Nation assures him that Jessie Wilde has nothing to offer him and that the only way he loses the fight is by allowing Jessie Wilde to stall him against the cage for two rounds.

Jack Nation leads Team Nation out of the facility and mockingly leaves the lights on for Team Rossi who has kept his team behind at the gym as a form of punishment for their actions at the GUF house. Team Nation celebrates knowing that they will have the house to themselves for at least the night.
Backstage #TeamRossi

On the way back to the locker room, Paul Rossi runs into Jack Nation in the hallway. Paul Rossi snaps at Jack Nation who according to Paul Rossi mumbled something to him under his breath. Paul Rossi gets up into Jack Nation's face and tells him that this show means nothing to him when they fight each-other at the finale. Jack Nation laughs Paul Rossi off for trying to pick a fight with him. Paul Rossi calls Jack Nation a coward and tells him he's scared to fight him and tells him that he'll have the last laugh when he knocks him out. Security ends up breaking up their encounter as they head back to their respective locker rooms.

Jessie Wilde is separated from the rest of his team as he is being examined by the medical staff for signs of a concussion. They flash lights in his eyes and ask him several questions to better assess his condition. He asks the staff what did he get hit with because he doesn't remember. Heartbroken from his loss, he fights back tears swelling in his eyes.

In the locker room, the team surrounds themselves around Esteban Garcia. The team rallies behind him knowing that he is the teams last hope. The overall mood is somber on Team Rossi after failing to win a fight over the past several weeks. Despite this, Esteban Garcia is in good spirits and feels confident about his chances against Demetrius Vitalis. He even goes on to tells producers that after he beats Demetrius Vitalis, he's going to ask Atara Themis out on a date.
Backstage #TeamNation

In the team Nation locker room things have gotten extremely tense. With Sanit Klahan punching his ticket to the finale, Arius Pagonis has quickly taken to see Sanit and Jacob Klein as rivals. While the team celebrates his victory, Arius Pagonis is stand offish knowing that Sanit is a viable threat. Sunil warns Pagonis not to overlook Jacob Klein telling him that the kid is a lot better than what he lets on.

Jacob Klein congratulates Sanit Klahan on his victory over Jessie Wilde and tells him that he hopes that he can fight him in the finale. Sanit Klahan is receptive of his praise and tells Jacob Klein that he can count on him to help him prepare for his fight against Arius Pagonis and that he would like nothing more for Jacob to take him out of the tournament. They both agree that Arius is a selfish asshole and would love to finally put him in his place.

Jack Nation rallies his team together telling them that Team Rossi is officially on their last leg. He tells them that Demetrius Vitalis will deliver the final blow to Team Rossi by eliminating Esteban Garcia leaving them with no representatives left. Jack tells them that he would love nothing more than to completely demoralize Paul Rossi ahead of their fight together which would only make a submission victory over him even sweeter. He thanks his team for all the handwork they have done up until this point and tells Demetrius Vitalis that it's time to put the icing on the cake.