Before the start of the GUF season Team Rossi made a trade with Team
Nation swapping members from Tundra MMA (formerly team rossi) with
members of Team Kosov (formerly team nation). With team Nation having
the first pick they have the ability to select the first match up of
the season.

Danny Cross approaches head coach Jack Nation after the first practice
with a chip on his shoulder. He tells coach Nation how humiliating it
was for him to be selected last by team rossi and then traded away
before he could even wear the jersey. Danny explains that it would
mean a lot for him if he could take out specifically Esteban Garcia,
the guy who he was traded for; Jack Nation loves the idea.

At the fight selection meeting, Jack Nation puts Danny Cross up
against Esteban Garcia setting the table for the first match up of the
season. Esteban Garcia squares up with Danny Cross and ignores Danny Cross offer to shake his hand.


GUF House #Team Rossi

Later on that night the team gathers together to shoot the shit.
They talk about their ammy careers, training and family. Tyron Bagley
points out that ''the big guy'' is missing and is referring to as
Tanner. This riles up some of the guys who begin to scour the house to
see where he's at it. Carson Carver and Jessie Wilde end up finding
him in his room reading a book and invites him to join them; Tanner
declines and the two laugh and head back down stairs.

Carson asks Jessie what his problem is and Jessie explains that he's
never rolled with him before even though they both train at TW combat
sports. Carson begins to suggest to others on the team that Tanner has
entered the house as a plant or a house snitch.

A general consensus quickly forms around the house that Danny Cross
from Team Nation is the weakest middleweight on the board.

Nikoli Volkov shows his Kosov Kourt teammate Esteban Garcia a stash
of his own vodka he snuck into the house without the producers
approval and tells Esteban Garcia to keep quiet about it and the two
will share some shots later.

Sunil Khan immediately has the respect of his teammates who shower
him with questions about the GCC, his grandfather (gcc president) and
other business related questions. Sunil loves to soak in the attention
and even embellishes on some of the details he is providing to his
teammates as a result even implying that he is super close with his

Jacob Klein had made an ill informed joke up Anurak Chanthara on the
bus ride to the house so Sanit Klahan approaches him and Danny Cross
to squash any tension. The three vibe well and Sanit Klahan tells them
that Anurak does not speak any English but that he can translate for
them in the future.

Demitrius Vitalis explains to his new teammates how he got onto the
show and selected to join the GUF house. They seem to all take the
story in good spirits except Arius Pagonis who later tells producers
that he's disgusted that Vitalis is representing the Themis name.

Later on in the night, Sunil Khan is confronted by Javi Ali who
simply reminds him (in Arabic) that the prophet muhammed is always
watching. Sunil presses Javi to justify why he is saying that to him
but Javi Ali tells him he's done talking about it and the conversation
ends without resolution.
The GUF HOUSE #TeamRossi #TeamNation

On the first night the two teams mostly splintered off and hung out
only with their teammates. In situations where they did cross paths
there seemed to be unspoken tension.

Oliver of #Team Rossi does end up reaching across the isle to
#Teamnation Danny Cross and Jacob Klein explaining to them that in his
eyes they made a mistake in trading them away. They all agree that
there is tension between the two teams but think it probably won't
last long. Jacob Klein expresses that he feels that he (and Danny) are
outsiders on #Teamnation but Oliver assures them that he has their
back and has probably more in common with them then his own team.

Esteban Garcia cooked up the entire house arepas. When Jacob Klein
mentions that he loves Mexican food he is quickly corrected by Garcia
who explains that it's actually Venezuelan and he learned how to cook
them by his ex-girlfriend.

After the fight, Estaban Garcia tells the rest of team rossi that beating Danny Cross was one of the easiest things he's ever done in his entire life.

Before the fight selection meeting, Paul Rossi gives a speech
lambasting his team for wanting easier fights. He tells his team
while it's important to keep control of the match up selection it means
more to him that they rip the heart out of the chest of team nation
and in order to do that they need to go after the teams leader, Sunil
Khan. Paul explains that the person he's going to choose is the right
man for the job not a pussy who's afraid to fight and if anyone on his
team ever acts like a ''bitch'' he'll physically kick them out
off his team himself.

At the fight selection meeting head coach Paul Rossi selects Jessie
Wilde to go up against Sunil Khan. Sunil Khan is quickly up off the
team bench but the rest of his team is shocked he was selected, Jessie
Wilde aggressively sticks ups his fists in Sunil Khan's face while
Sunil Khan remains calm and composed and stares down Jessie Wilde. The
two exchange some words before the coaches step in and break it up.