The following events in this thread occur on Thursday, November 28th so no references or statements should be made on social media regarding this event until November 28th.

The press conference opens with GCC President Fazan Khan seated at the table. He's dressed up a fair bit more then usual specifically fitting to a pair of Gucci Shades. It wasn't his style at all which suggests it may have been a gift or perhaps something more sinister, like the idea the success of his company was starting to get to him...
Mr. Khan, it's recently been discovered that several GCC fighters will not be returning for the foreseeable future. Anya Bobov was not surprised but more notably former GCC champion Mila Sauvage, former Union GP champions Brock Quarry and Takeshi Kato... is this a mass exodus of top stars exiting Global?
Mr. Khan nods his head along, it wasn't in agreement and most likely solely out of respect.
Fazan Khan: No, not at all. In the case of Brock Quarry and Takeshi Kato both of those gentlemen decided that they were better off focusing on coaching a new generation of HILITE athletes as opposed to trying to compete for glory themselves. Mila is one hell of a fighter and hasn't reached her prime yet but she's a cross over star from the LFL and has ever reason to focus on her football career, I think we'll see her back in a GCC cage in the future. As for Anya...
Mr. Khan clears his throat.
Fazan Khan: Anya's release represents how far we've come as an MMA promotion in just a few months. GCC isn't the landing place for journeymen, old timers or even part timers. It is fighters who have dedicated their lives to this art form day in and day out who will find themselves having the most success. Anya was not the first to be release due to her poor performances nor will she bet the last but I do wish my old friend well in her retirement.
His focus trails along, as he points out to a reporter in the sea of many.
President Khan, the numbers are officially in... GFN 3: Sauvage vs. Galanos was the biggest event GCC has held to date and your broadcasts have brought a total of 350k+ new subscribers to the OWA network in just a couple of months, how do you think your events will fair moving forward?
Fazan Khan: This is only the beginning my friend. Gaia Galanos smashed previous records and is a huge star for us but she will not be the last. Now that Gaia has set the bar, there are dozens of hungry fighters on the roster who will want exactly what she has. Still, I am not one to dwell on the past for better OR for worse... we are sitting on the eve of Erik Malkasian and Tommy Ward squaring up for the GCC heavyweight championship!
The press room begins to stir in approval and Mr. Khan smiles with pleasure.
Fazan Khan: ... and Krystal Knight vs. Juanita Sanchez to determine the number #1 contender to Gaia Galanos newly obtained throne!
The attendees in the crowd pop even louder this time. It seems that plenty of fans of the two women had been attending the press conference.
Fazan Khan: Friends, what more can I say? With every card, I intend to raise the bar and put on the fights YOU want to see while making sure opportunities are given to those who have earned it. Erik vs. Ward will determine who is the baddest man on the planet and Knight vs. Sanchez has the potential to be the fight of the night.
With the crowd still abuzz, Mr. Khan definitely seems to be soaking in the positive energy but all it took was one particular question to throw him off his game...
''But Mr. Khan''' the voice called out. ''Recently your granddaughter Rupika Khan asked for a private meeting with your regarding the claims Misty DeMeans has made that you have been protecting her from real competition within the GCC. Can you elaborate any...
Khan immediately interjects.
Fazan Khan: Sorry, I have no comment about that at this time... friend.
Tommy Ward. Rumors are circulating on Wednesday you were look for Brock Quarry at open workouts. Why?
Tommy simply shrugs.
Brock's a great fighter. I simply wanted to shake his hand, thank him for the fight and wish him a happy retirement.
Rumors are you ran into Misty DeMeans instead. Is it true that you and her had an altercation.
Juanita's usual pleasant smile turns to an angry frown.
Um...she taunted us as she does everybody and we exchanged words.
As the reporter begins to push for details Tommy cuts her off.
I'm not here to talk about her though.
The reporter reluctantly sits down as another question comes in.
Tommy you've been dominant throughout this tournament. How do you see your fight with Erik Malkasian going?
Tommy thinks for a moment.
Traditionally, when you get two high caliber grapplers it turns into a striking match. Erik's got great boxing as do I. So Saturday night you'll get a show.
Tommy scans the room for more questions, and nods toward a man in a grey three piece.
Tommy, the clinch has been very beneficial to you against JaySon Francis and Brock Quarry. Is that going to be part of your gameplan?
I won't give details of my strategy, but I'm sure with Brock being a coach in Toronto now they've formulated a gameplan to avoid it.
Tommy looks around the room for further questions. Once sure there are no more questions the T.W Combat Sports trio excuse themselves to the chagrin of several executives.