Daniel Dream
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land headkicks at a higher rate.
Stamina +70, Consistency +60
Feloni DeMeans
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land head kicks at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to aggressively push the pace against her opponent.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to lock in leg locks.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Awut Somaskul
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land head kicks at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land a higher volume of kicks.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance on locking in kimuras.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Atara Themis
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to initiate the clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to slam their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will looks to aggressively push the pace against her opponent.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Krystal Knight
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for the Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to outwrestle their opponent
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to control their opponent and avoid submissions when
Stamina +100, Consistency +89

Sammie Ward
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land combinations as opposed to loading up on single strikes.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land head kicks at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to avoid the clinch at all costs.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Leah Wilkins
*best camp report*
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to keep the fight standing and within striking range.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to initiate the clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to scramble back to their feet when grounded.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89