Suban Bashir
+ 50 Stamina, +40 Consistency
Ivaan Reddy
Trait 1 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in leg locks
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land on heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will aggressively push the pace against their opponent.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Anurak Chanthara
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will allow takedowns.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in leglocks.
+ 90 Stamina, +80 Consistency
Jessie Wilde
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for the wrestling clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to control and stall their opponent against the cage.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to dirty box from within the clinch at a higher rate.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Arius Pagonis
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw head kicks at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to keep the fight standing and within striking range.
+ 90 Stamina, +80 Consistency
Osira Themis
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land on heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will aggressively push the pace against their opponent.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to throw a high volume of body kicks.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Javi Ali
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to lock their opponent into a Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to dirty box from within the clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to escape choke submissions.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Demetrius Vitalis
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land on heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter has a higher chance on locking in armbars.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance on locking in leglocks.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Sanit Klahan
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw a high volume of head kicks.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will aggressively push the pace against their opponent.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to lock in armbars.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Sassy Vega
+ 50 Stamina, +40 Consistency
Gaia Galanos
*best camp report*
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to fight off the counter against their opponent.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to slam their opponent.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land ground and pound at a higher rate.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency

Jack Nation
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take the fight to the ground at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will avoid striking exchanges with their opponent.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to lock in armbars.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency
Paul Rossi
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to keep the fight standing and within striking range.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to get back up to their feet whenever grounded.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to land on heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
+ 100 Stamina, +89 Consistency