The events in this thread occurs on September 5th, 2019. No mentions of what occurs at this event should be mentioned directly through social media before the press conference is revealed to the public.
Fazan Khan is almost eerily calm as takes his seat at the press press conference table with Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers who are strategically seated to his left and his right. Beside Gates, Gaia Galanos sits with a stoic look on her face while Anaquinn is soaking in her surroundings alongside Rogers.
Fazan smiles with a great deal of satisfaction and takes to the podium with much more confidence then he last month in Dubai, perhaps the fact that his show was deemed as a commercial success further bolstered the old mans confidence.
The media present was more quiet as usual perhaps they were just anticipating what Mr. Khan would say next, what news if any he may choose to break. They essentially whispered among each-other up until the point that he began to speak...
Fazan Khan: My friends, we did it. We actually did it. Our first show was nothing short of amazing and set the standard of what we can expect in the future and our prospects look amazing. I am proud of my staff, my family and most important the fighters who have trained for their fights on a daily basis only to show up and leave their hearts in the cage, truly amazing.
Mr. Khan nearly has a tear in his eyes as Agustin pats the bosses shoulder to assure him that he was someone he could count on.
Fazan Khan: On Saturday Night, the four closest fighters sitting next to me today will be headlining our very special fight card in New Delhi, India where we will determine our two next contenders and specifically, our next lightweight successor as one of these two men will surely right the wrong that had occurred at Sweet 16.
Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers exchange some words between each other as Fazan Khan does his best mediate.
Fazan Khan: Well, without further ado... I think it's about time we give our friends here their time. I know they are chomping at the bit to say their piece and present their case.
Fazan turns his microphone to the side as the reports eagerly spring into action trying to be the first ones to get their questions and soundbites out.
The attention is turned to the green-haired Anaquin Adams as she is asked the first question.
Q) When did you decide to begin MMA training? And what made you decide to go with Global as your MMA Company.
Anaquin: It's no secret that I've been doing professional wrestling for the past five years. About six months ago, I decided I needed a new challenge. So, I left the spotlight, went into focused training and here I am. Global Championship was kind enough to take a chance on a relative nobody in this business. My name in professional wrestling doesn't necessarily mean much when it comes to MMA. They are two entirely different animals. I am very thankful that I'm being allowed an opportunity.
Q) So are you done with wrestling?
Anaquin: Absolutely not. In fact, I will be wrestling for Mile High Wrestling against Alex Carbajal for their second Spectacular show on the 15th. And I've just signed a contract with Extreme Wrestling Corporation to begin with them after my commitment to MHW. I plan on doing both wrestling and MMA. Well, unless I complete suck at MMA at which I'll have to reevaluate my goals. (She laughs.)
Q) How are you feeling about your opponent, Gaia Galanos.
Anaquin: I've done some scouting, but honestly I feel she's going to give me a very hard time. I am not even going to lie. She's probably the one competitor in this company that concerns me the most. But, I've been training for this moment for the past six months and while I respect her, I'm not going to lay down for her. She's going to get everything I have and more. I am hoping for fight on the night on this one. It'll be a rough one.
Q) Any other competitors you're looking to battle while in Global?
Anaquin: I watched the last show live and there are plenty, but my focus right now is specifically on Gaia. I can't even begin to look past her and I won't even try. Thank you for allowing me to be here and I hope that on Saturday we can put on an amazing show.