The events in this thread occurs on September 5th, 2019. No mentions of what occurs at this event should be mentioned directly through social media before the press conference is revealed to the public.
Fazan Khan is almost eerily calm as takes his seat at the press press conference table with Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers who are strategically seated to his left and his right. Beside Gates, Gaia Galanos sits with a stoic look on her face while Anaquinn is soaking in her surroundings alongside Rogers.
Fazan smiles with a great deal of satisfaction and takes to the podium with much more confidence then he last month in Dubai, perhaps the fact that his show was deemed as a commercial success further bolstered the old mans confidence.
The media present was more quiet as usual perhaps they were just anticipating what Mr. Khan would say next, what news if any he may choose to break. They essentially whispered among each-other up until the point that he began to speak...
Fazan Khan: My friends, we did it. We actually did it. Our first show was nothing short of amazing and set the standard of what we can expect in the future and our prospects look amazing. I am proud of my staff, my family and most important the fighters who have trained for their fights on a daily basis only to show up and leave their hearts in the cage, truly amazing.
Mr. Khan nearly has a tear in his eyes as Agustin pats the bosses shoulder to assure him that he was someone he could count on.
Fazan Khan: On Saturday Night, the four closest fighters sitting next to me today will be headlining our very special fight card in New Delhi, India where we will determine our two next contenders and specifically, our next lightweight successor as one of these two men will surely right the wrong that had occurred at Sweet 16.
Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers exchange some words between each other as Fazan Khan does his best mediate.
Fazan Khan: Well, without further ado... I think it's about time we give our friends here their time. I know they are chomping at the bit to say their piece and present their case.
Fazan turns his microphone to the side as the reports eagerly spring into action trying to be the first ones to get their questions and soundbites out.
Gaia Galanos Press Conference Quotes
Throughout the press conference, Gaia Galanos retained her normal reserved manner. Whether mentioned or not, Gaia remained stoic. As some of the questions came her way, she calmly answered regardless of whether they were in reference to her peers.
On Gaia’s ‘Twitter War’ with Rupika:
“I don’t know that I would use the phrase ‘Twitter War’ to describe it. As far as our words go, I don’t know that Rupika and I will ever see eye-to-eye, but at least she will get the opportunity to prove her claims at Global Fight Night 1.”
On preparations made for Global Fight Night 1:
“In terms of Mixed Martial Arts, there isn’t much film on either one of us. We’re both wrestlers so it’s safe to say we both excel in that form of combat, but that’s merely a small portion of what is ultimately one big algebraic formula. I know for a fact that Anaquin has been working her arse off in more ways than one. But, I am completely focused on Mixed Martial Arts and that’s why in two night’s the world is going to see the payoff of my complete focus rather than Anaquin Adams’ split attention.”
On the status of her gym search: “Being at the Global Training Facility has really helped me focus my training in preparation for my upcoming match against Adams, but I am already looking for a gym because sparring with the best can only make you better. I originally was looking for a gym in Greece, but have since decided something more local to GCC would be ideal for now. As far as whether I’ve signed with a gym, I have not.”
On the GCC Featherweight Champion, Mila Sauvage:
“I am currently one competitor within a sea of contenders until I am able to prove myself. Sauvage is the champion for a reason. Winning one fight in a single night is tough; she has won three. Before I shift my attention over to her and her title, I have a fight I have to win.”
On Anaquin Adams implying she would make Gaia Galanos call her “daddy” over Twitter:
“Throughout my career, I have always strived to be the best, and most of the time, people were chasing me and wanting what I had because my focus was on becoming the best. MMA is no different in that regard to me than professional wrestling. I have been champion as a professional wrestler, and my goal in MMA is no different. If Anaquin thinks she’s going to be my daddy headed into our match then that’s on her when she’s forced to think about her words after she taps.”