The events in this thread occurs on September 5th, 2019. No mentions of what occurs at this event should be mentioned directly through social media before the press conference is revealed to the public.
Fazan Khan is almost eerily calm as takes his seat at the press press conference table with Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers who are strategically seated to his left and his right. Beside Gates, Gaia Galanos sits with a stoic look on her face while Anaquinn is soaking in her surroundings alongside Rogers.
Fazan smiles with a great deal of satisfaction and takes to the podium with much more confidence then he last month in Dubai, perhaps the fact that his show was deemed as a commercial success further bolstered the old mans confidence.
The media present was more quiet as usual perhaps they were just anticipating what Mr. Khan would say next, what news if any he may choose to break. They essentially whispered among each-other up until the point that he began to speak...
Fazan Khan: My friends, we did it. We actually did it. Our first show was nothing short of amazing and set the standard of what we can expect in the future and our prospects look amazing. I am proud of my staff, my family and most important the fighters who have trained for their fights on a daily basis only to show up and leave their hearts in the cage, truly amazing.
Mr. Khan nearly has a tear in his eyes as Agustin pats the bosses shoulder to assure him that he was someone he could count on.
Fazan Khan: On Saturday Night, the four closest fighters sitting next to me today will be headlining our very special fight card in New Delhi, India where we will determine our two next contenders and specifically, our next lightweight successor as one of these two men will surely right the wrong that had occurred at Sweet 16.
Agustin Gates and Jake Rogers exchange some words between each other as Fazan Khan does his best mediate.
Fazan Khan: Well, without further ado... I think it's about time we give our friends here their time. I know they are chomping at the bit to say their piece and present their case.
Fazan turns his microphone to the side as the reports eagerly spring into action trying to be the first ones to get their questions and soundbites out.
Agustin Gates turned and grilled his GCC debut opponent with intensity in his eyes. Jake Rogers turned and met his opponent's gaze with the same determined and intense stare. The two had been itching to get locked in the cage with one another for a while now. Not only was a major reward awaiting the winner of the bout, but the two warriors just wanted to silence the other once and for all. So many pictures were taken as the two kept staring holes into one another. A reporter rose from his seat, hoping to break the cold silence in the room.
Reporter: Excuse me gentlemen but we-
Agustin: I can't wait to put you out of your misery Jake. Your face seriously disgusts me. I don't care about any questions these people might have on their notepads, or in their minds. I just want our fight to come already.
The Majestic One kept his long stare glued on his opponent, completely ignoring the reporter who had a few questions for him. Remaining cool as a fiddle, Jake sat in his chair listening to everything Gates had to say. Khan, wanting to maintain order in the press conference, motioned for security to stay on their toes in case a brawl broke out. Agustin's coaches whispered to him to be careful with what he said and did next.
Agustin: I want my name etched into the record books of Global Combat Championships. I want every time people walk through our doors, they see my picture holding the Lightweight Championship high in the air. My face will be the one representing our division. Not yours! You're too passive. I, on the other hand, am not. Khan wants gladiators to compete for him, not timid children. September seventh is right around the corner Jake. That day will forever become your nightmare.
Seeing that not a single word of his was effecting his nonchalant opponent whatsoever, Gates sprung out of his seat creating a massive commotion. Snatching the microphone from off the table, Gates headed towards Jake though security quickly became a wall between the two scheduled fighters. Jake simply smiled into the camera, displaying that his opponent's immature tactics and trash talking wouldn't get him off his game.
Agustin: You stay right there Jake. You keep looking into the camera, showing the world how really frightened you are of me. The same way how I'm standing and you're sitting, is what's going to happen on fight night. I'll be the one up, and you'll be the one sitting getting attended by the official. September seven, thousand and nineteen. The night Agustin Gate, the King of the Lightweight Division, signs on the dotted contract to face Cayden Redfield. And when that happens, don't worry I'll get you a ticket for that fight.
With a smirk, Gates tried pushing the hefty men in front of him onto Jake which actually annoyed his opponent. Finally having Jake's full attention, Gates rose the microphone back to his lips.
Agustin: You'll have front row seats to the night Cayden falls, and my era rises. This is my division. This my moment. And come September seventh, you'll realize you never stood a chance against me.
When Gates threw his microphone at Jake, missing his face by a few inches, extra security rushed onto the scene as Jake and Agustin tried to throw down before their big night. More pictures were taken as the two lightweights barked insults at one another, trying to get through the wall of security. Khan was in the back trying to control the situation. But everyone knew he was elated inside. September 7th was about to become a historic and high octane night for GCC.