The following events in this thread occur on Friday, January 3rd, 2020 so no references or statements should be made on social media regarding this event until January 3rd, 2020.

The GCC President walks into the press conference in Greece to a feverish applause. As he walks to his podium he waives and smiles and throws a couple of GCC branded t-shirts into the crowd. He is a lot more relaxed then normal perhaps it is the holidays that have provided him with some much needed relief of having to run a multi million dollar MMA company.
Mr. Khan takes a seat next to GCC featherweight champion Gaia Galanos to his right and the challenger Juanita Sanchez to his left. He greets both women with a smile and a handshake as he settles in to officially begin the press conference.
The numbers are in from GFN 4 Khan vs. DeMeans and they show that they've broken all previous records with over 200, 000 new subscribers. How do you feel about this and how do you think GCC 4 will stack up?
Mr. Khan: The numbers from GFN 4 certainly lived up to our expectations and projections and certainly set the bar at a new high. It's also great when you have a main event headlining fight that lives up to the fans expectations in terms of entertainment it was one hell of a fight. As proud as we are about GFN 4, we expect similar results. Gaia Galanos has taken the world by storm and she's stepping in the octagon in her hometown against a proven entity in Juanita Sanchez who is a star in her own right.
Recently there's been a rash of controversial decisions and endings in high profile GCC fights. There was the Erik Malkasian/Tommy Ward decision and the late doctor stoppage of your own granddaughter, how do you feel about this?
Mr. Khan: I personally try to stay out of it and let the controversies be addressed by the fans. On face value, I believe both of these incidents were very objective but it's my job to keep my personal opinions or bias out of the equation. This is why I am not granting a rematch to my granddaughter, Rupika. I feel that she needs to use this opportunity to take a leap up in competition for the remainder of her career, she's big time now and I couldn't be more proud of her. As for Tommy, he is still in the mix and he'll get another shot sooner rather than later.
Do you find yourself pulling for specific fighters? I mean, Gaia Galanos specifically trains at the house of the Khan what do you say to those who may suggest she receives preferential treatment?
Mr. Khan: I am extremely proud of both of these women. While Gaia trains at the house of Khan she can tell you myself that I am pretty hands off with the gym on an operational level. At times, I might find myself thinking about fight outcomes in terms of revenue or what it would do for GCC's popularity and brand if a particular fighter was to win a specific fight but ultimately I want the best fighters regardless of popularity or personality to rise to the top. I think it's a neat thing that Gaia Galanos represents the Khan's name and family gym and does valiantly but that doesn't mean I am cheering for or against anybody. Let the best women win on Saturday Night and I am beyond excited to watch this fight front row.
What are your projections for 2020?
Mr. Khan: I expect that Gaia Galanos and Juanita Sanchez are going to start off the year with a bang. And then... well, I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves but this time next year we want to be on everyone's mind as the premier MMA promotion in the world. We know our competition has a foothold on the USA market so our strategy is to focus on everywhere else until we are literally everywhere else.
Thank you friends.
Fazan Khan respectfully bows his head as the media begins to direct their questioning to the fighters in attendance.
"The New Perfection" Jay Aguero steps up onto the stage accompanied by his "life consultant" and social media manager, Jen Rivera. Rather than address the crowd directly, Jen Rivera instead approaches the microphones at the podium.
Jen Rivera: We are actually not taking questions at this time. The New Perfection wishes to get back to his mental preparation for tomorrow's fight with 'El Pantera' Alejandro Rivera. I will make this short and sweet. The New Perfection has enlisted my services to better spread his word so that he does not have to address incompetence. At GCC 4, my client is not looking to go out there to win any awards. He does not wish to have some long drawn out fight that ends in a decision. He is looking to stop this fight quick and suddenly. This is not to disrespect the name of El Pantera. Instead, it is solely because he drew the short straw for tomorrow night. A name is a name. No matter whose name was drawn to face off against The New Perfection he would have done exactly what he always does; study his opponents, find their weaknesses, exploit said weaknesses and walk away with defeat.
Alice Turner <Splat! Sports Intern>: Your client seems to have an air of confidence about him. What makes him stand out more than Rivera who has been training at the Lone Wolf MMA gym? Your client has no affiliation.
Jen Rivera: I'm sorry. What is your name?
Alice Turner <Splat! Sports Intern>: Alice Turner with Splat! Sports.
Jen Rivera: Oh well, I apologize. I fear I wasn't clear enough when I said we wouldn't be fielding questions today.
Jen Rivera rolls her eyes as she audibly scoffs at Alice Turner.
Jen Rivera: Perhaps I will give you this one. The New Perfection does not need to affiliate with any of your known gyms. The New Perfection prefers to work out on his own terms. He chooses not to expose himself to those that can leak his regimen. The New Perfection is a guarded man and in due time all of you will learn just why that is. You've only seen a taste of what my client is capable of but soon... real soon The New Perfection will be unleashed upon Global Combat Championship and no one will realize what hit them until it is too late.
Jen Rivera flashes a smile as she takes a step back from the podium, gives The New Perfection Jay Aguero a pat on the back and the two leave the stage as reports shout over themselves hoping to get more out of the dual sport competitor.