The events in this thread occurs on August 15th, 2019. No mentions of what occurs at this event should be mentioned directly through social media before the press conference is revealed to the public.

Mr. Khan takes to the podium with several of his fighters lined up alongside him. Several media outlets pack themselves into the crowded press room while he meticulously adjusts his gold watch on his wrist and leans into the microphone.
Fazan Khan: Thank you to all my friends from the world of MMA that have come here today. I know that many of you are from America and have taken your time to fly out to us here in beautiful Dubai, we hope that you all enjoy your stay in our beautiful country and that you enjoy our amazing show.
He bows his head ever so gently before he continues.
Fazan Khan: Secondly, I want to thank many of the fighters who have come to us from all around the world to fight in our tournament. Many of these fighters are not under contract with GCC but we will be looking to sign many of them full time after the conclusion of our tournament. While I am open to fielding any questions from my friends here today, I ask that we do so sparingly as I want to give the floor to the FIGHTERS who make this whole thing a reality. They deserve your time and full attention and we hope that you all get to know them not just as warriors who fight in a cage but as human beings with a story to tell.
Several members of the media give him an applause while others media personal blurt out inaudible questions but ultimately, Mr. Khan leans back ever so slightly and allows the first fighter of the evening to take the floor.
Silence fills the room as Juanita Sanchez approaches the podium. A little nervous she looks around the room and is delighted to notice a few reporters awaiting the opportunity to ask their questions.
JS: Hello
She smiles towards the crowd fidgeting slightly. The seconds seem like minutes for her as she awaits her first question.
R1: Ms. Sanchez. During the last month on social media you have shown you're willing to promote positivity and love which is a great contrast from your nickname 'No Love'
Juanita continues to smile at the reporter awaiting their actual question.
R1: How did the name 'No Love' come to be synonymous with you?
JS: it's really a funny story to tell. When I was a kid I liked to wrestle with the boys. When I did I show no mercy and there's where I got the name of 'No Love'.
She smiles again.
R2: Juanita, you are 19 years old and relatively unproven. What made you wish to compete in the tournament with the likes of Jessica House, Kali Black, Krystal, and Anya. No disrespect towards your abilities, but aren't you in over your head?
Juanita bites her lip, droplets of sweat appear on her forehead, as she quickly formulates her answer.
JS: I asked myself that a lot in the beginning. As camp progressed first at HILITE FC and then at the GLOBAL TRAINING FACILITY, the doubts slowly disappeared and now all I think is 'why not me?'
I worked hard. I have world class wrestling and a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu. I've improved a lot with my striking and will not be beaten by fear.
A hush falls over the room as Juanita ends her response.
R2: One final question. Are there any competitors in the tournament you would favor competing with?
JS: Not at this time. The other seven women making up this tournament are great in their own ways and I'll be honored to share the cage with any of them.
With that Juanita looks around the room good naturedly before thanking her supporters and walking back to her spot in line.
Michelle Leahy <Sports Writer> Krystal, you've trained abroad for nearly a decade and have competed in plenty of high profile international Muay Thai and kickboxing fights internationally... what has taken you so long to transition to MMA full time?
Krystal Knight: Where we live, Muay Thai is more than just a sport it's a way of life. It's tied to tradition, a part of our society and virtually the core of our identities. Global is the first MMA promotion to actively scout us out and give us a chance to perform on a stage as big as this. MMA in Thailand blows with the wind because companies open and then they close and the money simply pales in comparison to what a fighter can make competing in Muay Thai or Kickboxing. Mind you, we're still being horribly underpaid in general but that's a discussion for another day.
<Jack Braxton> <Radio Host> Hi, Ms. Knight. Over here. You are facing Kali Black, a fighter who seems to share a background in Muay Thai like you...
Krystal Knight: With all due respect, I strongly doubt that; Kali may have a background in Muay Thai the same way I started off wrestling in a high school gym but our paths since then are very different and not at all alike. If Kali thinks her Muay Thai background is in anyway comparable to the years I have dedicated my mind, heart and soul into mastering this art form then she's going to be in for a pretty bad night. She will understand that they are varying levels to this once she eats her first knee.
Sheila Wright <Blogger> Rumor has it, Kali wants to inflict pain on you in cruel and unusual ways. What is your response to this?
Krystal Knight: That's nice, I really appreciate the consideration but if her goal in MMA is to simply hurt and inflict pain on me, then she can have that and I'll take the win for a fair trade off. Sadly for Kali, no amount of pain she can inflict on me or anybody else in this tournament can fill the void within her heart. To truly fix something as deep as that? Well that's going to take much more work, more work then it takes to beat me. Any of us girls. After all, that's where her real fight is... within. Kali vs. herself. Until she looks into the mirror or puts her trust in a reputable therapist, she will never know what it feels like to win even if she IS the first GCC female featherweight champion.
Rick Laflare <Social Media Analyst> You and Rob Jones got into a little spat on twitter, what does he have against you and why?
Krystal Knight: Sadly some people will go great lengths to get a little bit of attention. He is a loudmouthed idiot who think he's playing a game of mental warfare but the second he is left without a twitter @ handle, he's powerless. The second his trash talk cannot be read or understood because the person who its directed at doesn't speak his language, then what? He tried to use me to get to Awut but failed miserably.
Krystal Knight: เราคิดว่าเขาเป็นคนงี่เง่า Thai translation: (We think he's an idiot)
Madison Lewis <GCC reporter> What do you think of Awut's chances against Takeshi Kato?
Krystal Knight: Well, I certainly don't envy Awut here. He undoubtedly has the toughest round one fight in either tournament. Though, Awut is one of the smartest guys I know and we've come up with a game plan that we think will be effective not only against Kato but the rest of the guys as well. I have all the respect in the world for what Kato has accomplished but I truly believe that Awut has what it takes to pull off an upset.
Tim Jensen <Fitness and health writer> We've heard you run a tight ship over there in Thailand as the leader of Lone Wolf MMA, are you guys accepting new members?
Krystal Knight: I have a tight knit family who stands behind me, girls and boys that I can trust with my life. While we are open to training with fighters from the outside we do so sparingly on a case by case basis. There is no way to join Lone Wolf MMA just like there is no way for me to join your family as your aunt, sister or mother.
Nicky Nice <GCC Superfan> Krystal, I love your nickname and I am huge fan. What's the story behind that one?
Krystal Knight: As an expat living in a foreign country, you tend to get judged a lot. My case wasn't any different. Imagine some white girl pulling up to your gym looking for a fight and doesn't speak your language? Well, yeah... that was me. So basically at the place I started training at when I moved to Thailand I became known as the girl with the ''pretty face'' ; after a few years of training, I became the little white girl who was ''pretty good'' and the rest is history. By the time I opened up Lone Wolf MMA my nickname was already well known by the locals.
Nicky Nice <GCC Superfan> Thank you Krystal!
Krystal smiles shyly as she looks around for any more questions. None for now.