Subhan Bashir
Stamina +50, Consistency +40
Eric Libby
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations as opposed to loading up on single strikes.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw a high volume of head kicks.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to avoid the clinch whenever possible.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Elizabeth Devereaux
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to load up on a heavier single KO strike over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This figher will look to take her opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to land heavy GNP from a top position when grounded.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Colin Downes
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take the fight to the ground at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to advance and hold positioning when grounded.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Bobby Page
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to wall and stall their opponent against the cage.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to dirty box their opponent within the clinch.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Rupika Khan
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to lock in Triangle Chokes at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to avoid striking exchanges with her opponent.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Awut Somaskul
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take the fight to the ground at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to out wrestle his opponent.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to lock in armbars.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Rob Jones
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations as opposed to loading up on single strikes.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw a high volume of head kicks.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to scramble back to their feet whenever grounded.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89
Jessica House
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations as opposed to loading up on single strikes
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw body shots at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to scramble back to their feet whenever grounded.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89

Gaia Galanos
*best camp report*
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take the fight to the ground at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land heavy GNP from a top position when grounded.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance to lock in arm-triangle chokes.
Stamina +100, Consistency +89