Ivan Reddy
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land one heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to wall and stall their opponent up against the cage.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Tyler Stevens
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take their opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to control their opponent in top position over the use of ground and pound.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to avoid the clinch.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Sanoh Ngam-Chit
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to take their opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance on locking in Triangle Chokes.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Karla Alvarez
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land one heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to keep the fight standing and within striking range.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to get back up their feet whenever grounded.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Osira Themis
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations instead of a single KO blow.
+70 Stamina, 60+ Consistency
Feloni DeMeans
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take their opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to clinch their opponent at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance on locking in leglock submissions.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Leah Wilkins
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to kick the fight off with a fast start.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations instead of a single KO blow.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to aggressively push the pace against her opponent throughout the fight.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Mila Sauvage
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take their opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land ground and pound at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to counter her opponent in standup striking exchanges.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Sassy Vega
+50 Stamina, 40+ Consistency

Jayson Francis
*best camp report*
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land head kicks at a higher rate
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw a higher volume of kicks
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to land one heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Aleksandr Baranov
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look for the Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to throw combinations instead of a single KO blow.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to strike off the counter against their opponent
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Clive Hicks
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to take their opponent down at a higher rate.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look to land ground and pound at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter has a higher chance of locking in arm-triangle submissions.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency
Christian Ibanez
Trait 1 >>> This fighter will look to land one heavy KO blow over the use of combinations.
Trait 2 >>> This fighter will look for the Muay Thai Clinch at a higher rate.
Trait 3 >>> This fighter will look to cling onto their opponent when grounded to force a referee standup.
+100 Stamina, 89+ Consistency