This thread will explain the GCC pay structure in depth. However, you as a player have little to worry about as it will be handled by me.
Negotiations are available on all contracts when they have 1 fight remaining.
Entry level contract 3-4 fights (No change)
10k to 50k per fight.
- Pay increases for handler activity or pre existing characters in ewrestling/E-MMA.
- A fighter may remain in this pay bracket after 3 fights if they have low popularity or are coming off a loss.
Mid Level Contract 4-5 fights.
50k to 100k per fight.
- Fighters must have at least National Level Popularity within the sim.
- Overall record and popularity at the time of the contract signing will dictate how much a fighter gets paid.
Upper Level Contract 3-4 fights
125k to 200k per fight
- Fighters must have international popularity within the sim.
- Overall record and popularity at the time of the contract signing will dictate how much a fighter gets paid.
The Silent Champions contract 3-4 fights.
100k to 150k per fight.
- This contract is assigned to fighters who have won the championship
without reaching a National Level in Popularity.
- Overall record at the time of the contract signing will dictate how much a fighter gets paid.
The Champions Contract 4-5 fights.
350K to 500k per fight.
- Must be National popularity or higher
- Must be a GCC champion at the time of the contract signing.
- Overall fighter popularity will determine how much a fighter gets paid.
Veteran Contract 3-5 fights.
75K to 125k per fight.
- Must have National level popularity.
- Must have at at least 10 fights in the GCC.
- Fighter popularity will determine how much a fighter gets paid.
Legacy Contract 4-6 fights.
250k to 350k per fight.
- Must have International Popularity
- Must have at least 10 fights in the GCC.
- Must be a former GCC champion.
- Overall record at the time of the contract signing will dictate how much a fighter gets paid.
The fan favorite contract 5-6 fights.
450k to 750k per fight.
- Must have International popularity
- Must be the most popular fighter overall (top 3) on the rankings at the time of the contract signing.
- Overall record at the time of the contract signing will dictate how much a fighter gets paid.
The top draw contract 3-4 fights.
750k to 1M per fight.
- Must have International popularity
- Must be the top draw (top 3) in the GCC rankings.
- Must be coming off a win at time of contract signing.
- Must be coming off a main event at time of contract signing.
- Overall subscriber count will determine how much a fighter gets paid.
The peoples champion 6-8 fights
500k - 1.5 million per fight.
- Must have International Popularity
- Must hold a GCC championship at the time of signing
- A fighter will be paid $100, 000 every 10% they have earned at a
International Popularity level at the time of the contract signing.
- These are given to handlers/fighters who go above and beyond to craft specific story-lines, character development arches and fight hype beyond what's expected of them. These contracts may also be given to big name fighters or characters that exist in the world of efedding/e-mma beyond the GCC ranks.
Red Panty Contracts ignore all requirements listed above but shall not exceed the top pay rank of the people's champion under ANY circumstance.
Payments associated with contracts listed above may decrease/increase in the future. This also does not take into consideration backroom bonuses or short notice fight payments.